My family and I were invited to a local screening of Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters but received no compensation for writing this post. All opinions about the movie are my own.
Like I mentioned in the Percy Jackson giveaway post earlier, the Franklins are huge fans of the Percy Jackson series. My 12 year old son has read each of the 5 Percy Jackson books about a dozen times a piece (and that’s not exaggerating). Percy Jackson inspired his fascination with mythology…and he is currently a walking mythology encyclopedia (don’t you love it when kids get so excited about learning something that they just soak it all up?).
What we thought about Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
There were varying levels of expectations for this second installment of the Percy Jackson series. The kids went from totally excited with no expectations to nervously excited with a ton of expectations. I was somewhere in between – I’ve read the books and know what the more in-depth story line is, and feared that the movie version could never quite meet up to the book in my eyes. But…I was totally prepared to take the movie as something independent from the book.
Everyone – from my 8 year old son who has never read the books to my 12 year old son who is a super-fan to me – thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It was well-acted, action-packed, family-friendly entertainment. Did it exceed all of my Percy Jackson book-to-movie expectations? Probably not. But I can’t fault it for that. The books are phenomenal and complex and a movie simply can’t convey everything that’s in a book (more on that subject when I post my director’s interview later this week).
When I asked my toughest critic – the Percy super-fan, of course – what he thought of the movie, he answered immediately that it was “good.” When I pushed him a little more (it’s tough to get a 12 year old boy to give a detailed answer!) and asked him if other kids his age (middle school) would enjoy the movie, he said, “Well, yeah, of course. But people who are really into Percy Jackson books might not like all of the things they left out or changed.” His 14 year old sister jumped in to say that HER friends would love it and not be that picky.
Our favorite character by far in this new movie was Tyson, Percy’s unexpected and often awkward half-brother…who happens to be a cyclops. Tyson is unlike the stereotypical cyclops, and is instead quiet, patient, and very loyal. We all fell in love with his quirky character who provided both laughable and cheer-worthy moments.

Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman) and Annabeth (Alexandra Daddario) react to the wonders of their new adventure.
Is Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters kid-friendly?
Whenever I screen a family movie that is rated PG, I am always asked what ages I recommend to see the film. While children’s sensitivities to action, noise, language, and scariness vary significantly from child to child and only the parent knows what their child can handle comfortably, there are a few things to keep in mind to make your decision easier. Our rule is always that if we have questions about a movie, mom and dad see it first, without kids.
Officially, the movie is rated PG for fantasy action violence, some scary images and mild language. I honestly don’t recall language in the movie, so it must have been very mild. The sea monsters and giant cyclops (and other mythical creatures) are a little scary, so I would only recommend the movie for older kids (my 8 year old was totally fine) unless you know that your kids are not scared by “monsters.” There IS a lot of action/fighting, but none of it is graphic or gruesome.
I haven’t seen the first Percy Jackson movie. Should I see this one?
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief came out in theaters in 2010 and the basic story line is that a young boy, Percy Jackson, discovers that his father is the Greek god Poseidon, making him a demigod. The movie follows Percy’s adventure (with a few friends) to settle an on-going battle between the gods.
The first Percy Jackson movie certainly sets the stage for the second movie, and I believe the newest movie builds on the first. Do you HAVE to see the first one in order to understand the second? No. Sea of Monsters can stand on its own. However, like any story with multiple parts the characters and relationships build upon each other, and a knowledge of what happened before the events of the 2nd movie does enhance the story.
About Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
Based on the publishing phenomenon, PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS continues the young demigod’s epic journey to fulfill his destiny. To save their world, Percy and his friends must find the fabled and powerfully magic Golden Fleece. Embarking on a treacherous odyssey into the uncharted waters of the Sea of Monsters (known to humans as the Bermuda Triangle), they battle terrifying creatures, an army of zombies, and the ultimate Evil.
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters opens in theaters on August 7, 2013.
The movie stars Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario, Jake Abel, Douglas Smith and Stanley Tucci. Have you seen the trailer yet?
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We just saw it and LOVE the books and the movies. Big Percy fans here. Now my girls are just hoping they make a 3rd :)