I want to take you on a little journey today. Grab a walking stick and join our hike. The weather is beautiful, and the company is the best.

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Isn’t AJ’s outfit adorable?
I had an hour to kill while my 2 oldest girls were at an activity at church, and figured that I’d take the other kids on a walk. Luckily, my friend, Safire, reminded me about a trail just 2 minutes away. I drive by this trail every time I go to Walmart or Target, and yet in the 11 years that I’ve lived here, I’ve never stopped.
As we rounded the corner and entered “the woods, Mom!” the kids became fascinated with writing in the slightly damp dirt.
And then I noticed the caterpillars hatching:
As I was taking pictures of the caterpillars, Reese yelled, “DEER!” A deer…and then two….and then SIX deer. We see deer regularly around here, but the cool thing about these deer was that they walked along with us forever (until we made a turn in the path).
At this point, I felt like I would burst. The peace of the forest, the gorgeous weather, the fabulous mommy-child time (the kids were so excited about all of our discoveries that it might as well have been Disneyland!)…everything added up to make me feel like I’d burst with joy.
Do these look like happy kids to you?….
…or what?
Twizzler and Reese were very serious about there hike, reminding me of the importance of staying on the trail and following the blue trail markers so we didn’t get lost.
Check back soon for my favorite picture from our hike, taken at the stream that we found. I’ll be adding it to my Give Me Your Best Shot. :)
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