I was playing around on my computer this morning and fixing some files that Reese had shuffled around. A week or two ago, I panicked when I went looking for my cruise pics….and the folder was completely gone from my pictures folder. Reese has learned how to access the pictures on the computer, and I will occasionally find her at the desk looking at old pictures. Well, she moved folders inside other folders, and I finally found everything–including some pictures from December that I had completely forgotten about! SO here are a couple–
Before we sarted decorating our Christmas tree, I had everyone take a picture with the Santa hats on. Can you tell I had a couple of unwilling participants? Surprisingly, Apple means to be making a happy face. :) I think this picture from Kiwi’s friend-birthday party is cool. I usually don’t like candle pictures.
Here’s Reese cooking scrambled eggs (wearing Noodle’s Ratatoille chef’s hat!). My kids love to cook. I love that they all have an interest in cooking, and an apparant natural ability to do it. I love that they are confident….isn’t that the biggest problem with cooking?? It takes quite a bit of patience on my part, though, to “let” them cook. Kiwi and Noodle cook dinner on a semi-regular basis, and Taco and Reese stick to eggs and helping me add ingredients to whatever I’m cooking. It will serve them well someday!
We all enjoyed Nana’s visit in early December. We wish it could happen more often! Thank goodness for cheap airfare deals! Taco is still very eager to take his special trip to Nana’s house with Dad. Unfortunately, now that Peanut Butter has started his new job, he’s a lot more busy, and so, for now, the trip is being put off.
Here’s Nana and the kids in front of the tree (BTW–Nana is PB’s mom)
Since a few of you have asked, PB is loving his new job, where he has now been for 2 months. I can’t believe two months have actually passed. Oh yeah–the last two months have been a blur, with Primary and the holidays!! He is spending lots of time preparing for a Middle Eastern trade show next month. He is completely in charge of the trade show, which is both challenging and exciting for him. He will be spending at least 2 1/2 weeks in Egypt and Kuwait at the end of February. Anybody want to come for a visit and keep me company??
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