I am going to BlogHer this August. That’s a given. You can relive the excitement of my BlogHer announcement with me and all of the lovely spammers who LOVE that post. (Seriously, BlogHer 2010 Here I Come! receives 90% of the comments that end up in my spam filter.)
Well, it’s time for more exciting BlogHer news. SEED bodycare (a line of all natural products) in conjunction with 3 great Maryland bloggers (Hip As I Wanna Be, Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom, and Makeover Momma) is providing some lucky ladies with the chance to attend BlogHer 2010 with an extra $250 cash in their fabulous Seeds of Inspiration contest. The winners will also be given an exclusive invite to The SEED Power event held on Saturday, August 5th.
So, as my Maryland blogging friends already know, I have a good friend known as Safire. She and I do everything together, including attending BlogHer together this summer. So of course, we got to talking about this contest and what we could do to enter (and win!). We decided to throw together a little vlog about what inspires us to be green as an entry into Makeover Momma’s portion of the Seeds of Inspiration contest. And like everything else we do together, if we happen to win, we will happily share the winnings.
Please don’t laugh too hard at my hair. I just really didn’t want to have to re-shoot the entire video because I looked like a doofus. I figured it would look more “authentic” this way, anyway. I am so embarrassed.
SO…what inspires you to be green?
PS–Yes, we really DID put our kids in the recycle bin. It’s amazing what we’ll do for a sponsorship.
**UPDATED: WE WON $250 EACH for this vlog. Woot! And THANK YOU SEED!
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
We should do more vlogs together. Make it a regular thing. I might do my hair for the next one, though.
Hehehe…I just watched it again (you know, admiring our most awesome skills in video making and hair washing…we should go on tour!) and it really was pretty funny. I especially like the kids in the recycle bin. Who’s idea was THAT?! ;)
.-= Safire´s last blog ..Seeds of Laughter =-.
I bet it does help to have a friend along. Thats the only way I go walking in the mornings lol
.-= Bridget´s last blog ..I dont want to get old! =-.
oh ya and we are a family of 7 too and we always recycle and I make a big point to even rinse things out that can still be recycled (peanut butter jars) if they are clean. I love that our recycle is taken out more than our trash! Great job!
.-= Bridget´s last blog ..I dont want to get old! =-.
I don’t know if I could have done it alone. It helps to have a friend along!
your silly! I love that you did this! I dont think I could just cuz I am me but this is great! I hope you win!!
.-= Bridget´s last blog ..I dont want to get old! =-.
Thanks for watching. And for not thinking I’m a total nerd.
Really?! You’ll be at BlogHer? Awesome! Never would have expected to run into you there. :)
Oh my goodness, you guys are ADORABLE! I love the video, and the message!
.-= Elizabeth´s last blog ..Excuse Me . . . =-.
Hi! I somehow missed that you will be at BlogHer, silly me! I hope we can find time to catch up – I’ll be there too!
Leaving the planet in better shape than I found it, for my kids and (someday) grandkids is my inspiration. Plus, I grew up in Texas, which hasn’t always been environmentally friendly, so I know that every little bit helps. Thanks for your earth-friendly message today.