How huge is that?! While I am at home pulling my hair out as we adjust to the new Summer schedule, Mary Kay is auditioning to be on the Oprah show.
Mary Kay is the amazing woman I talked about in an earlier post about Yoursphere. A fellow mom of 5, Mary Kay was looking for some better internet options for her pre-teen kids. Yoursphere was born. A month and a half ago, my kids and I were asked to be part of the Yoursphere test drive program. I have been continually inspired by Mary Kay.
Here’s what Mary Kay would like to talk about on Oprah::
Show Topic: The Joy of Online Safety
The Joy of Online Safety is dedicated to providing families with the ingredients they need to create their own family recipe for a fun and safe online experience. My video shows how l will provide families with practical and engaging ways to enjoy the Internet through education, involvement and empowerment.
My show proposal includes going directly into homes, to schools, and to work with kids and teens. I want to involve parenting experts, Internet safety experts, law enforcement and others to help me provide parents with the tools they need to create their own family recipe. Additionally I want to feature how children and families have used the power of the Internet to enrich their lives and do good things for others.
FINALIST/TOP 5 DETERMINATION: The five (5) participants whose Video Submissions obtain the highest number of valid votes will be deemed “Finalists” and considered for the Program. At least one of the five Finalists from the Video Submission process will be cast in the Program. Watch Mary Kay’s audition when you have a free moment and cast her a vote!
***By the way, Yoursphere is FREE to join! Anyone who uses my referral code (YSMC-0027) to register on will be entered into a weekly drawing to win a $50 gift card. In other words, you’ve got nothing to lose and $50 to gain!***
Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in the Yoursphere Test Drive program by Mom Central on behalf of Yoursphere. I received a free lifetime Gold membership on, Yoursphere t-shirts, and a $50 American Express gift card to facilitate my review.
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Thank you the compliments and very kind words.
I’m very flattered and so appreciate your support.
I woke my husband up the other night in a moment of panic and asked: Did I embarrass myself with this video? What if no one likes it!
So my point is, I feel a bit awkward and getting your support means a lot. Thank you :)
.-= Mary Kay´s last blog ..Quotations =-.
Ok I check this site out, and like many other “Kid” sites it is one that I won’t let my son on, even at 14. The main reason I wont is that I was able to see posts, and user profiles- where kids are showing their real pictures. This was with me providing no information at all, a big no no in my book. The set up does look pretty cool and all but the *privacy issue* is the catch for me. Yes the info I can see is not that much, but I am currently looking at a user profile where I can see a pretty young 18 year old girl and her about me section. I prefer the Facebook standard where you can show basically no info but your pro-file picture. Then once in you can say who can see what, and as a parent I can block my posts from my sons eyes, so he cant see me complain about him not cleaning his messy room. It takes some work to lock Facebook down but I deem it a lot safer than other *kids* sites I’ve seen.
To satisfy my *privacy* issues they should lock down people viewing other users profiles until they are a registered user. Then to keep what is viewable to users until a friendship connection is made- basically a picture and name first last initial or user name along with an age range and location range. That would make things a lot safer from my perspective, and safer from predators.
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Friday Follow – 6/18 =-.