Want more Wordless Wednesday? Visit 5 Minutes For Mom, Go Graham Go!, Three Peas, and The Not So Blog!
And now for the WordFUL part of this picture: There is something so amazing about watching my little girl become a young woman. She gets in the car when I pick her up from school or camp and talks about cute boys and flirting games. She spends more time in the bathroom getting ready in the morning than I do. She can wear my shoes. She can babysit (and she does a good job, too). Random things lately seem so deep. So meaningful. Where did the time go?
If you haven’t stopped by Angie’s blog lately, you have to go check out her new design!

Ok, it’s probably a little ridiculous, but I’m adding this picture to You Capture at I Should Be Folding Laundry. The theme this week is Summer, and this picture just screams summer to me.

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