This post is sponsored by Toys”R”Us but all thoughts are my own.
My birthday has passed and Halloween is now just days away. You know what that means, right? The holiday shopping season is officially ON.
I know I’ve got a pretty hefty wish list already (carried over from my birthday, of course)…and I also know that my kids’ wish lists are at least double mine. From Monster High Dolls to LEGO sets, there are so many awesome toys that I know my kids would go crazy over.
Whether they want video games or baby dolls, I know I can always count on the Toys”R”Us down the street to help me out. I love how Toys”R”Us just helped out these 100 kids by making their dreams come true.
The situation: 100 kids selected from New York charitable groups were told they were going on a field trip…about leaves! You can even see a few of the kids on the bus yawning as they pull away, despite the leafy-enthusiasm of their field guide. Where their guide takes them, instead, is magical.
I love witnessing pure joy and excitement from kids.
The best girl in the whole video? The sweetie pie at 00:47… “This is the best toy ever. I’m…I’m about to cry.”
Girl, I have felt the SAME way. Except maybe not over a train set. New cameras and fancy electronics make me want to cry happy tears every single time.
Watch as Toys”R”Us surprises some lucky kids by letting them pick any toy in the store. Toys”R”Us is making wishes come true this holiday season. #WishinAccomplished
Makes me think that instead of wrapping presents this year, I should just get my kids Toys”R”Us giftcards and let them loose on the store….
What toys are on YOUR kids’ wish lists this year? And what do you think they’d pick out if they were told they could go home with ANY toy in Toys”R”Us?
© 2013, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Son would get Legos. The biggest set he could find!
I think my grandson would pick out anything and everything Thomas the Train or Chuggington! What a sweet video to see these children so happy!
My kids are older so they ask for stuff like video games, computers and game systems.
My kids are older so it is going to be Gift Cards! Now that they are teenagers it is too hard to know what to buy. Wish they were little again! :)
My daughter would probably pick board games and art supplies and my son would be ALL video games!
Happy belated birthday ;) My son wants an iPad or iPod.. or all of it! Things have changed.. no more toys ;( They grow up so fast!
I cried!! What a wonderful thing to do!!
I know my daughter wants an American Girl Doll but has not voiced that yet. My little man has yet to share one thing he loves ;)
I think gift cards are a great teaching experience, too. It will teach them the value of things and make them choose more carefully… maybe.
all I hear from three kids is LEGO’s and video games! They would go nuts if I let them loose inside TRU!
What a wonderful thing for them to do. I love when companies give back.
We don’t have any kids but we do have lots of nieces and nephews. I think doing gift cards is a fun way to let them get exactly what they want! Seems like kids change their mind on toys often!!
My daughter would definitely go home with a Bracelet Maker or something girly. She loves My Little Pony, The Littlest Pet Shop, and anything pink.