Yet Another Jay and Deb Production.
Hey! I’ve got 10 minutes before the kids come home from school. I have re-scrubbed the carpet where Necco threw up, vacuumed, shopped and put away the food….why not throw out one more post for the day?!
And why not make it about someone else? Tuesday’s Tribute is all about shining the light on someone else. And today, I feel compelled to talk about KitKat, my oldest daughter.
She has been sick since Sunday, with whatever was infecting Twizzler on Thursday and Friday. Except that she has been quite a bit worse than him. Poor girl. But since she’s been home the last 2 days, I’ve gotten to spend a little more time with her, and she continues to amaze me. I can’t believe how much she has matured recently. While she has been sitting at home, she has been working on her brand new Young Women’s Personal Progress (a booklet of personal goals to work on). She was happy to play with AJ today while I ran out to run errands (have I mentioned how AMAZING it is to have my own, live-in babysitter?!). When I came home, they were sitting together on the couch. Peaceful.
I love the fact that I can trust her. I know what to expect from her. She has really stepped up and met her new babysitting challenge. Because, really, it’s not easy to be in charge of your own siblings. When she starts babysitting for other families, she’s going to think it’s a breeze!

Nothing is too hard for her. She has incredible confidence in herself, and is happy to try new tings. She even cut her dad’s hair when MOM was too nervous to try! She is more confident in the kitchen than most women I’ve seen. Cool! It’s also pretty cool to have a daughter who likes to borrow your clothes, and who spends her iTunes gift cards from Christmas on music that YOU like, too. :)
She’s a pretty cool kid, even if I AM a little biased.
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