Not that kind of tackle.
As soon as my house guests left yesterday, I started to put my house back together. I swear my mom is really clean and she helps me out a lot when she stays at our house. But no matter who stays over or how many people there are, there is always a big mess to clean up once they leave.
I know I’m not alone in this.
And I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining at all, because I absolutely love having family and friends at my house.
But house guests do a few things:
They are simply extra bodies in the house. Extra bodies create more things. More trash. More shoes lying around. More coats to hang up. More dishes to wash.
They throw you off your routine. That’s not always a bad thing. I love having a break in my routine. But there’s always that transition of getting back ON BOARD. It’s a whole lot easier to jump off the routine than jump back on.
They keep you busy. Again–that’s a good thing. But busy with fun stuff means NOT busy with the essential {not fun} cleaning stuff. It builds up fast. Especially in a house like mine. We’ve already got 7 of us in 1500 square feet. This weekend, we had 12 here.
When my family leaves, I am sad. I have a day of mild depression. Adding that onto the messy house doesn’t help. I miss them. I miss the fun we were having.
I wish I had some magical formula or some special trick to make the post-house guest transition easier. I don’t.
There’s nothing to it but to roll up your sleeves and DO IT. Jump back on that train. I’m still working on it. :)
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