Tuesday was a big day for me. With a strange burst of energy, I made a hasty decision that the crib was coming down. Apple has been climbing out of the crib for months now and several weeks ago, Apple started refusing to nap in his crib (he developed a preference to my bed–don’t blame him!). I think Reese was sleeping in the crib more than Apple was. Apple thought that Reese’s mattress on the floor under the bunk bed was much more cool.
So…while Apple and Reese played quietly in the basement, I pulled out the screwdriver and got to work. Before I knew it, the crib was gone and the toddler bed was in it’s place. And as of last night, the crib is gone completely, getting ready for another baby in another house to fill it. I have no regrets. I am very comfortable with the fact that our family is complete. We’re done with the baby stage, but getting rid of the crib was a very visual reminder to me of that fact.
So why am I feeling just a little sad? It’s not because I want another baby. I realized a little too late that I have NO PICTURES of Taco, Reese, or Apple in the crib. Maybe I’ve got one or two buried somewhere….But I’m kind of sad that I didn’t take a pic before I tore it apart. Can you just see me making Taco climb into the crib so I could get a picture of him??
I found these two pictures of Kiwi and Noodle in their crib, but that one was retired around the time Reese came along. We’ve had three cribs over the years. :)

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