What makes a meaningful moment? Is it something big and bold? Something that stands out? Is it the moment when life turns a corner and changes?
Not for me.
My most meaningful moments are often quiet. They are seemingly small and go unnoticed by everyone else. Meaningful moments may not be big and loud and earth-shattering, but they are life-changing none the less.
My meaningful moments are the nights sitting with my oldest daughter, when she shares her successes and her hopes.
They are the little inside jokes shared between me and my kids.
Meaningful moments come as a kiss on the cheek from a child or an offer to rub my back…simply because I look tired. How is it that my little children are taking care of me?
Meaningful moments are found in a phone call from my mom. The news of a new niece or nephew.
They are the unsolicited emails from my children’s teachers saying how much they appreciate my kids in their class. Or the moment of tenderness witnessed between two siblings.
They are found in a photograph, taken without particular intent, that so accurately and intimately portrays a child’s personality. And no one but I can see it.
My meaningful moments are found in Facebook conversations with friends who live hundreds or thousands of miles away but, through the miracle of the internet, understand exactly how I’m feeling.
They come to me unexpectedly. Quietly. And they leave me changed. Better. Blessed.
Tell me what your most meaningful moment was in the last year for a chance to win one of 10 complete skin care Anti-Age Systems from Meaningful Beauty.
Keep your skin looking great in every moment with Meaningful Beauty– Cindy Crawford’s break through secret for younger looking skin.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Meaningful Beauty. The opinions and text are all mine. Contest Rules.
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