…for the 2010 BlogLuxe Awards. And I have been nominated in the “Blogs I’ve Learned the Most From” category. I am shocked! And although I probably don’t stand a chance against the other amazing bloggers that are on the list, I am just happy to be included. Of course, I’d love for any votes. And, yes, you can vote daily from now until July 12. Woot!
PS–I’m back in town and ready to start back on my normal (and busier than ever) schedule. The kids start summer camp in the morning. Yay! Their bags are packed, their lunches are waiting in the fridge, and their swimming suits are standing by the door. They can’t wait.
And honestly, neither can I. KitKat and I already have some fun plans of what we’re going to do, just the two of us while the little kids are off wearing themselves out in the sun. Let the summer begin!
Later this week, I will let you know a little more about another exciting thing I’ve got going on this summer….but here’s a little preview:
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
You are too nice. :)
:) Actually, another twitter friend let me know early Saturday. I was shocked, especially after seeing the other blogs up there. I wish I knew who nominated me!!
Congrats!!!! You will so win! I can’t wait for the bootcamp either.
Did you know you were nominated B4 I told ya?
Just curious.
You ROCK!!! ;)
And I got to meet ya!!! YAY!
I feel so privileged. :)
.-= one cluttered brain´s last blog ..Miss me today =-.