Some of you may have seen my recent vlog or my whrrl story for the SEEDs of Inspiration BlogHer 2010 partial sponsorship contest sponsored by SEED (a line of all natural body care) and hosted by Hip As I Wanna Be, Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom and Makeover Momma. I had so many posts on my schedule that I never got around to writing an entry for Jen’s blogging portion of the contest. Pretty silly of me, considering Jen is a local friend of mine. She’s counting on me. Well, Jen, I’m not going to let you down. I might push it to the very last minute, but I am not going to let you down!
The fact is, I have a lot in common with SEED’s founders, Rebecca and Benjamin. Their story is completely different than mine, but their motivation, in my opinion, is the same.
Rebecca and Benjamin had been married for a few years when they decided that it was time for them to start a family. After gathering information on getting (and being) pregnant, they decided that it would be smart to increase their chances of success by “detoxifying” their lives. They started out by getting rid of all of their household cleaners and starting fresh. About this same time, Rebecca decided to leave a position with a large company. They started spending more time gardening, and in the process discovered many products that came with warnings for use around pets. Not only were they worried about their yellow lab, but they were worried about their own safety.
In the mean time, they were trying out lots of different products–for their house, for food, for the garden, for themselves. Some products they liked. Others they didn’t. And some products they couldn’t find at all. And then they discovered the grape seed–a natural by-product of the wine-making process. After some additional research, they confirmed: “grape seeds, like several other seeds, are intrinsically concentrated with incredible antioxidants and essential fatty acids promoting healthy skin.”
And out of a need grew an idea, which grew into something huge. A successful company, which is not only helping people (including bloggers!) but it is helping the world to be more green.
My husband, CandyMan, has a “seed” of his own. But instead of a desire to detoxify, his seed grew out of an interest in learning foreign languages. In college, he studied German and Russian (in which he got his degree). After graduating college, he continued to nurture a desire to study more languages. He fit night and weekend classes into his schedule whenever he could, and squeezed at-home studies or personal tutors in when he couldn’t. Over the years he studied something like 14 different languages, but almost always came away disappointed because he could never find a method of learning a language that was as effective as he wanted. He searched. He tried out software, online programs, college courses. And then he finally decided that his ideal program did not exist.
In August of 2008, he left a well-paying computer consulting position and started PeanutButter–Language Learning That Sticks. He had a need, he couldn’t fill that need, and so he went out and made it himself, just like SEED did with their natural body care products. Our little company has received a lot of recognition and many successes in it’s short life, although we sure have a long way to go. SEED power body care inspires me to keep pressing forward, towards our dream. Our foreign language software has been a labor of love. It has been a tough road, but we have felt good about this road. If Rebecca and Benjamin could build a product and a company around a tiny seed, then I know that we can build ours around a dream.
Do you have any “seeds” that have inspired you to do something or try something different?
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Such a great post! I hadn’t heard of this product line before, but will definitely be checking it out.
All things that come from grapes are good.
And I am not just saying that because I majored in Fermentation Science back in college. :)
Hooray for families who pursue their business dreams!
.-= Mayhem and Moxie´s last blog ..Becoming the Next Dooce: A How To Guide =-.
I love that your husband has used his “seed” to build his business.
.-= angie´s last blog ..Guest Posters Coming Up…. =-.
This is so very inspiring! (Sorry I’m a little behind in my reading. It’s been a very messy week around here! I’m working on catching up now tho. *Smile*)
.-= Gilliauna´s last blog ..Quality over Quantity – A Defense of Handmade in the Face of Commercialism =-.
What a great story— totally inspiring!!
I really want to try this stuff. Seriously it looked awesome. Since I have short hair I think it would really work for me. Both very inspiring stories. I am on my way to work so I will be back in the am for more LOVE!! Only a few more weeks until we get to hang out!! I can’t wait!
.-= Brandie´s last blog ..April Fools Swapping =-.