First, we’ve got Reese hugging her precious “Belly” before I headed to the hospital to have AJ. She and AJ have a little love affair going on with my belly. It all started when I was newly pregnant with AJ and my belly was….squishy and soft. That’s what happens when you’re pregnant with baby number 5. Reese was a year and a half, and she loved to snuggle. I don’t know when she started asking to snuggle on my bare belly….but it stuck. She still asks to “lay on belly.” After AJ was born (he has always loved skin), he has caught onto the whole snuggle with belly thing. It’s a little strange, but I love the fact that my kids like to be close to me.

The second morning, a young intern came in, did whatever she came in to do, and started to leave. I was in the bed holding my precious little boy. She stopped, turned around, and looked at me holding AJ. And then she said,
“I just have to ask you. How OLD are you, anyway?!”
I was a little taken back by her question until I realized that she hadn’t recieved the memo that the Mother-Baby unit had overflowed into the Children’s rooms. She thought I was a child mom. Haha! Made my day. :)
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