This is me with my first 4 kids, after having baby Reese. For some reason, my hair was extra dark after having her!
• Until I became a mom, I didn’t know how tired I could get. I thought I was tired as a college student staying up late to study for an exam. That was nothing compared to the fatigue that a new mother feels.
• Until I became a mom, I didn’t know how important girl friends were. I have always had close friends, but those friends became crucial after I had kids.
• Until I became a mom, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life and my time. I had always hoped and planned to have children, but wasn’t sure what to expect. When would they come? Would they come? Would I like staying at home? Would I be able to? Once my oldest daughter was born, I knew that being a mom was what I had been made for.
• Until I became a mother of multiple children, I didn’t know how well I could spread myself. As CandyMan likes to say, “One child takes up 100% of your time and energy. Two kids or 3 kids don’t take up any more time You just have to split it.”
• Until I became a mom the last time, I wasn’t sure if my family would ever feel complete. I’m glad to report that I got that message loud and clear. Our family is complete.
• Until I had children, I didn’t understand how important it was to get out of the house every once in a while.
• Until I became a mother, I didn’t realize that there were more important things than cleaning up the kitchen before going to bed or taking a shower every morning. Yes, those important things had to be skipped many times (they still do!) but some things are just more important.
• Until I saw my children grow and develop talents and compassion for others, I didn’t know what it meant to feel truly humbled.
• Until I became a mom, I didn’t fully understand my mom. Having children solidified the respect and love I have for her.
• Until I became a mother, I didn’t know how much love I was capable of. Sure I loved my family before I had children. I loved my husband. But having children opened my heart up to more love than I knew was possible.
What has being a mother taught you?
Inspired by Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop prompt
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
How true on so many of these especially th no sleeping and still going on with our days as if nothing is wrong! Great article!
Hope you have a joyous Holiday Season!
This was a great post! Thanks for sharing! :)
WOW! That is wonderful and SO TRUE! I especially concur with the one about appreciating your parents more… I had no idea!
Looking forward to meeting you in Baltimore!
.-= Sharon´s last blog .. =-.
You can totally handle #2. And you’ll love it! :)
Wow, are you an inspiration. I’ve secretly been wondering if I could really handle the #2 bambino that I’ve been pushing for. I think can. I think I can. Just call me Thomas!
Well that just made me cry! Great post. I agree 100%
.-= Brandie´s last blog ..Two Ways to Help Haiti =-.
What a perfect list! It’s amazing how we all seem to have similiar things on our lists!
.-= Erin´s last blog ..You are my Sunshine =-.
awww, what a great group you have!
And I loved your list thanks for sharing it!
I liked this very much!
.-= Jen @ buried with children´s last blog ..Got Oatmeal? =-.
Aww look at that sweet picture of you and all the kiddos. And how young everyone looks! :)
.-= Safire´s last blog ..One Busy Week =-.
So beautiful… and what a great photo too.
.-= erica´s last blog ..Writer’s Workshop: 10 Things I never knew until I was a Mom =-.
I love this prompt:-)
That’s a great photo. My hair got very dark after pregnancies too! Odd!
I love what you write about not understanding your mom fully until having your own kids. So true.
.-= Amy @ Never-True Tales´s last blog ..10 Things I Never Knew Until I Became a Mom =-.
I love your list – Thanks so much for sharing it. It all resinated with me.
.-= amy´s last blog ..Panic Button =-.
Oh, naps!! I live for my Sunday naps. I usually only get one once a week, but they are heavenly!
Thanks!! No one has ever said I looked like Julia Ormond, but now that I look, I can kinda see it. I always find it strange to see pictures of myself with such dark hair.
It’s so true! How often has a friend apologized for their messy house before I’ve even recognized it’s messy!
Yes…the clean kitchen. I haven’t seen one that often these days. And I’ve learned that my kitchen and house don’t have to be spotless to have friends over. Just have friends in your life that also have kids and they will understand and no judge you for your unfolded laundry and the dishes in the sink!
I have learned the importance of naps, of being able to let housework wait, of getting out of the house!!!
.-= CFMama´s last blog ..A bad session of treatments =-.
You know, in that picture with your short, dark hair, you look like Julia Ormond in Sabrina.
You have a beautiful family!
.-= Grilled Cheese´s last blog ..My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard… =-.
It’s funny that my hair got dark when I had Reese, because HER hair was thick and super dark. Now, she’s my blondy!
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Oh, and like I said, I picked that picture because I looked particularly good after having Reese. :) I don’t always look that good in the hospital. Haha!
I can’t believe how dark your hair was!
You look so pretty and SKINNY. I always looked so bloated after giving birth.
Beautiful words, L!
I’m glad I could make someone laugh. Seriously, though, as a mom with los of kids I was worried I’d never feel done!
i laughed when i read you got the message, the family is complete.
great list.
.-= tara´s last blog ..all i want to do is just sit here … and write it all down =-.
Great post and so true. Life without my son would just not be the same.
That is a precious list!
.-= Heather @ Mrs. Southern Bride´s last blog ..Where Art & Coffee Colide =-.
Oh, that is so true about the girlfriends. I thought my girlfriends were important and then I had kids and they were a lifeline — in good times and bad.
Great reflections!
Thanks! That’s so nice of you to say! I am going to have to look through the other lists. Now you have me curious! I never once thought of poop, although I admit I did think about the whole wiping snot off your kids noses!
Visiting from mama kats, what a beautiful family you have! I agree with your prompts…everything you wrote is so true xx
I love your picture here with your four kids and your list. I declare you the winner of this nailing this prompt. It’s the first list I’ve seen that hasn’t mentioned your surprise at the amount of poop babies make.
Visiting from Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop. I used the freaking out prompt.
.-= Karen, author of “My Funny Dad, Harry”´s last blog ..My Earliest Memory–A Mouse In the House! =-.
Your list is great. I skipped writer’s workshop this week (oops!) I especially love the point about understanding your own mom. I finally get her/it. I have also apologized to her for being so difficult!
.-= Holly L´s last blog ..Have A Seat, My Sweet! =-.
All of these are so true and touched my heart. Thanks for sharing !
.-= Lori @ Msslaydbug´s last blog ..Worldless Wednesday…Out of Tragedy there is always hope =-.
Until I became a mom I never fully understood the true meaning of unconditional love.
I never knew how much room in my heart I had for children. I never knew I called love any living person so much as I love my children, and their father.
Isn’t that true about being tired! I never knew tiredness until I had a newborn waking me up 4-5 times a night!
Great pic of you and your kiddos.