It’s never boring around here! Here are a few things that we’ve been doing this last week:
I finally finished the Twins’ blankets. I wanted to do something special for my good friend who just had twin boys this last Friday. I forgot how long it takes to crochet ONE blanket, let alone two! Despite the time, I haven’t enjoyed making anything in a long time quite as much as I loved making these blankets. And I made them up as I went along! :) I think I’ve mentioned before that my kids love to cook. Lately, Apple’s been getting the cooking fever. The other day, he helped make whole wheat waffles. Yum!
I was just talking with someone today about how much Reese and Taco’s relationship has changed–for the better-since Taco started school. Nowadays, they get along pretty well. This picture cracked me up when I saw it the first time, then tugged at me even more as I studied it a little longer. From the way Reese’s hands are grabbing Taco’s head to the look on his face at her kiss. Priceless! This afternoon, Apple desperately wanted to give Reese a kiss, but Reese wasn’t in the mood. Haha!
Late last week, I went to the park with my friends Doreen and Melissa and their kids. These were my two favorite pictures of their little ones…

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