Remember my mention on Sunday of AJ’s illness? I cancelled my plans to go to Mt Vernon on Monday because of it. But after half a day of being in the house with 5 restless kids (and NONE of them acting at all sick), I needed to get out! The sky was blue, the sun was out, so we walked over to the park.
Did I mention that our car is broken? That’s another, bigger reason why I am stuck at home.
Anyway, to the park….Someone was NOT happy with me for taking his picture.
He changed his attitude once he got up in the tree.
Climbing and 8 year old boys. They were made to go together.
Static and 5 year old girls. Also a perfect match.
A tree on the way home. Hey, my camera was out.
We didn’t last long at the park. It sounded like a good idea, it looked like a good idea, but it did not feel like a good idea. We ran home with frozen fingers and made some hot chocolate.
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