My sister came over on Saturday for one last hoorah before she leaves me all alone on the East Coast with no family around for the holidays.
Not that I’m upset or anything that she’s leaving for the rest of the year.
Oh! I am going to miss her so much!
Because she won’t be around for our traditional Fall family pictures, we decided that the least we could do was take the kids out to take their pictures. We drove to a field and got started right away.
After spraying everyone down with bug spray, that is.
Andrea curled Reese’s hair–she looked beautiful!
Our first attempts at getting the kids to sit for pictures did not go so well. I don’t think either of us (that’s 2 professional photographers!) got one good picture here.
The kids were COLD and grumpy. Poor kids were dressed for summer on a 65 degree evening. Nice job, Mom!
Twizzler didn’t want to sit next to AJ because AJ was chewing gum, and he can’t stand the smell. He kept running off, which made AJ want to run off with him. It was a nightmare.
While Andrea was off with the other kids, Twizzler sat down in the tall grasses.
He played a little peek-a-boo with my camera…
And then spread out the large reflector and layed down to rest.
A minute later, as we were moving to higher ground, Andrea spotted this beauty in the grass a few feet away from where we had been. Yikes. If the kids had seen this, they would have run screaming to the car and picture time would have been over for sure.
Finally! After much ear pulling and nose wiping and *a little bit of yelling* on my part, I caught a good picture of all 5 kids! I think their smiles were frozen on their faces. It was that cold.
And, yes, my adorable niece was there, too. Had to catch a few of her as well!
And now I go back to missing my sister.

PS–I’m in New York City for the FIRST time today. So exciting! I will be away from my computer all day as I attend the press junket and red carpet movie premiere for Uma Thurman’s new movie Motherhood. While I’m out, be sure to catch the trailer, see Eliza’s blog, follow her on twitter and Facebook and participate in some fun writing carnivals here and here.
PS–for those of you who saw the Flip giveaway announcement…that has been postponed until NEXT week. Sorry about the confusion!)
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