Today, 5 Minutes for Mom is hosting a few photography tips and a chance to share some of our own photos that fit within today’s subject. Today’s subject is Zooming In….something I do quite a bit. Why?
Well, I zoom in to decrease distractions in the background. Here, the background is VERY busy and VERY messy. If AJ wasn’t filling the frame, it would be a whole lot harder to focus on his cuteness. Trust me.
Here, I zoomed in to focus on this bride and groom. There were 50 or so people standing around, but I cropped them right out of the crowd. Who’d have known?
Here, I zoomed in to blur the background. I used this (and a series of shots from this day) to do my tutorial on Aperture a few weeks back.
Here, I zoomed in to focus on Necco’s face, and to minimize the really harsh backlighting from the bright sun.
And, on these last two, I zoomed in to fill the frame with my silly kids.
What could you zoom in on? Check out 5 Minutes for Photography by clicking the button below!

Speaking of 5 Minutes for Mom, did I mention that CandyMan and I are giving away a copy of our brand new Spanish language learning software, PeanutButter~Language Learning that Sticks for their Ultimate Blog Party later this month? I am excited for this debut, kick off, whatever you want to call it! I’m hoping that this giveaway will create a good amount of exposure for our company…..because, well, we need to feed our family!! So come back the week of March 20-27 to win some software!
And, sooner…..Come back here tomorrow for a new Foto Friday Photography tutorial AND a new Give Me Your Best Shot, and link up with other bloggers to share your favorite shot from the week. Click the button to read more.
One more thing….don’t forget that I have 3 giveaways going on right now! Find out more at the very top of my right sidebar. One of my giveaways ends later today!
Did I say one thing? I meant two….this is my second post of the day. Click here to read my writing prompt, Normal Is…..
Ok, I’m done now.
© 2009, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
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