This list of 100 ways to show your child you love them is sponsored by Alomune. All thoughts, opinions and list items are my own.
During this month where we celebrate LOVE just a little more than usual, thanks to Valentine’s Day, I’ve been thinking about more ways that I can show my kids that I love them. I recently posted an article on the Alomune blog about the health benefits of expressing gratitude….and I think that expressing love has the same beneficial effect. It’s true – kids need a healthy diet of love!
I am constantly amazed at how connected my health is with both my daily practices and my attitude. In order to attain – and then maintain – overall good health, it is important to look beyond exercise, a balanced diet, and lack of illness.
Feeling loved helps children (of all ages!) feel secure and confident…and hopefully grateful, too. Here is a list of a *few* ways that you can express your love to your kids, through words and actions.
- Say I love you – just because
- Wake him up with a kiss on the check
- Tuck her in bed at night
- Send a personal note in his lunch box
- Compliment her in front of other people
- Buy him a “just-because” gift from the Dollar Store
- Take her out on a one-on-one date
- Listen to him talk about his day
- Paint toenails together
- Give each other makeovers
- Leave a sweet note on his pillow case
- Send a letter through the mail – everyone loves getting mail!
- Read her a story
- Tell him about the day he was born
- Ask her what she wants to do…and do it!
- Sing together in the car
- Say thank you
- Invite him to do service together
- Say I’m sorry
- Say “I love you, no matter what”
- Get to know her friends
- Cook his favorite meal
- Deliver a special treat to the lunch room at school
- Tell her what you like about her
- Tell him what he’s good at
- Tell her what you admire about her
- Hold hands
- Watch a movie together
- Share a blanket
- Cuddle before bedtime
- Teach him something
- Use a soft voice
- Be silly together
- Go shopping for something fun
- Ask questions
- Unplug
- Make her a priority
- Stop what you’re doing and listen
- Look through old pictures together
- Be waiting for them by the front door when he come home
- Meet her friends’ parents
- Use car time as conversation time
- Tell him about yourself and your childhood
- Cook something together
- Let her help you plan something fun
- Forgive mistakes
- Make up stories where he is the hero
- Roast marshmallows in the kitchen
- Display her awards
- Display his artwork
- Patiently help her with homework
- Cheer for him at his sporting events
- Attend her concerts
- Drive him to practices and lessons
- Play a board game together
- Watch his favorite TV show (even if it’s hard!)
- Call home to talk to her when you’re away
- Take a walk together
- Go on a hike together
- Take pictures of each other (add some costumes – even better!)
- Be aware of what’s going on at school
- Praise him for each good grade on his report card
- Ask for her opinion
- Serve him breakfast in bed
- Walk her to school
- Make up a secret language and send notes back and forth
- Pick a flower for him
- Grab a dandelion and make a wish together
- Go to the park and swing together
- Give him a hug, just because
- Give her a hug when she’s sad
- Let her cry on your shoulder
- Tell each other jokes
- Have a staring contest
- Build something together
- Have a slumber party together on the weekend (with popcorn and a movie, of course)
- Tell each other secrets
- Play video games together
- Keep your promises
- Go to the library together
- Volunteer in his classroom
- Be a chaperone on her next field trip
- Attend his class parties
- Look her in the eyes when you’re talking
- Share a bag of popcorn at the movie theater
- Teach him how to pray
- Let her hear you pray and thank God for the chance to be her mom
- Teach him how to drive
- Trust her
- Wait up for him to come home from a date, and then ask how it went
- Make time – never say “I’m too busy”
- Have fresh-baked cookies waiting for her when she gets home from school
- Have a picnic lunch together
- Share your food
- Believe in her
- Tell him about your favorite toy from when you were his age
- Play make-believe together
- Go on a drive together – no destination needed
- Be a good example – be who you want her to be
- Tell him your dreams for his future – and then help him achieve them!
Whew! That was a tough list to make, but I am feeling so empowered! There are so many ways to show your kids that you love them…so many little things that you can do to express your appreciation for your kids and help them feel secure and needed and loved. Now, I know I’ve left off a ton of ideas. What are your favorite ways to show your children how much you love them?
© 2014 – 2016, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
I’ve seen the same thing! Attention is so easy to give and it means so much to a child!
This is such an amazing list! I work with children with developmental delays so I am in different homes all of the time. Something that I see across the board is a tendency for parents to not stop what they are doing and listen to their child when they are speaking. (I get it, life can be hectic and full of things that need to get done). I have seen this turn into something negative where the child begins finding other ways to get their parent’s attention. I think it is so important to stop what we are doing for 30 seconds and show our children that what they have to say is important and that they are important. What a wonderful reminder to everyone!
Thank you so much for sharing these! Will definitely be sharing the link! -Thomas
I love #80- go to the library. We love reading as a family and this is a really special treat to take one of my kids one-on-one to the library. Thanks!
A great list I might need to print it out as a little reminder
Great Post. I found you on Stumble.
This is a great post thanks for sharing these wonderful ideas.
this is beautiful!! i will share this
I like the “no matter what” after the “I love you.” My kids love to hear that!
I love this post! Sharing away. All points hit home with me and I need to do more of these with my son.
What a great list. I love these ideas and plan to use quite a few of them. Thanks for sharing.
My husband loves doing that, too! Actually, the kids just want to DRIVE his truck. ;)
I love taking my kids for rides in my truck.
ADORABLE! What a great list, totally sharing!
What a great list! I’ll be printing it out to remind me often.