To celebrate the premiere of Extreme Weight Loss Season 4 on ABC tonight, I was able to sit down with Executive Producer JD Roth and chat about the show and his personal steps to weight loss success. This interview was part of my expense-paid trip to Los Angeles last month. All opinions are my own.
I never had a problem with my weight when I was in my teens and 20s. In fact, if anything, I had a hard time keeping weight ON. I was usually too thin. Then 5 kids and a decade or so later, I am struggling with a new body type. I gain weight where I didn’t before. I have aches and pains and lack energy…and I spend my days sitting at a computer typing away.
Some days I get discouraged about the numbers on the scale and the reflexion on the mirror. This is not the body I am used to! I make excuses…I don’t have time to work out enough. I LOVE FOOD. I’ve had 5 kids. I’m older and my body has changed. I don’t look THAT bad…right?
Kids will never listen to a a word you say but they’ll see everything that you do. –JD Roth
Sitting with JD Roth, executive producer of Extreme Weight Loss (beginning its 4th season tonight) I immediately got that twinge of guilt. But it was not a bad, sick to your stomach kind of guilt. It was the feeling that maybe I COULD make a change. Maybe I could lose this extra weight I’ve been hanging onto.
JD believes that people can change their lives. They just need someone who believes in them.
One of the tips that JD passed on to our small group of bloggers was that small changes make a huge difference. He challenged each of us to make one change this week. Next week add one more.
Tip: Make your normal plate of dinner. Eat half of it, then walk away. Come back in 30 minutes and if you’re still hungry, eat more. Most of the time you won’t need it. Success! You’ve now eaten half the calories!
5 things you can do to lose weight now
I love that these tips from JD Roth are things I can start today. Right now. They don’t include gimmicks or require me to buy any special foods. In fact, these tips save money AND make me healthier at the same time. Bonus!
1 – Never, ever drink a calorie. That includes zero calorie anything. Drop the sodas and the juices and stick with water.
2 – Move after you eat. Bring your family along and make it bonding time. You find out more about your kids’ social life during a walk than at any other time.
3 – Never eat after 8:00pm.
4 – Need a snack? Grab fruit and naturally grown foods.
5 – Count the number of packages you open in a week, and next week open half. Eat less processed foods.
Remember: The number one enemy to weight loss is SHAME –JD Roth
JD’s last quote really resonated with me. There are so many excuses to NOT making better eating and health-related choices. But making hard choices now makes it so much easier in the future, and today we have thousands of resources at our disposal. JD challenged each of us to find out what is holding us back from making better choices. Identify the hold up, and make changes today. Remember that you aren’t going to be able to change everything all at once. It may take a while to notice any calculable difference, but it’s important to start today to make those little changes.
Keep your promises. If you give up on one promise it’s easy to give up on others. –JD Roth
About Extreme Weight Loss, Season 4
ABC hit series “Extreme Weight Loss,” is a unique, non-competitive show about weight-loss transformations that documents the unprecedented 365-day journey of courageous, “super-obese” participants. In each of the 13 stand-alone, two-hour episodes, the participants — whose lives have become unmanageable because of their weight — will undergo a transformation not only of their bodies, but of who they are as individuals. With the proper nourishment, exercise and guidance assured by “Extreme Weight Loss,” they are afforded a fresh perspective.

Starring transformation specialists and trainers Chris Powell and his wife, Heidi, “Extreme Weight Loss” returns Tuesday, May 27 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET/PT) on ABC. (ABC/Rick Rowell)
In addition to having participants continue to work alongside transformation specialists and trainers Chris Powell and his wife, Heidi, the show is taking a unique approach in the upcoming fourth season: each participant will spend the first 90 days of the weight loss journey at the renowned University of Colorado’s Anschutz Health and Wellness Center (AHWC) in Aurora, CO. Chris & Heidi, with AHWC’s medical director Dr. Holly Wyatt, MD and associate professor of medicine at the University of Colorado, will guide these individuals to safely lose up to half their body weight, ultimately revealing an amazing metamorphosis. The Anschutz Health and Wellness Center offers some of the country’s most advanced research and science-based expertise, focusing on a comprehensive weight loss and weight-loss management approach, including fitness, nutrition and wellness services.
“Extreme Weight Loss” is produced by Eyeworks USA. JD Roth, Todd A. Nelson, Matt Assmus and Brant Pinvidic are the executive producers.
Follow the Extreme Weight Loss Season 4 on Twitter: @RealChrisPowell, @RealHeidiPowell, @ExtWeightLoss and be sure to Like the Facebook page: Extreme Weight Loss. Tune in on ABC for the Season Premiere May 27, 2014 at 8/7c.
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