We almost missed the annual Easter family pictures. And that would have been a shame. We’ve been doing a picture in our Sunday-best every Easter morning for as long as I can remember.
We had no time to spare before church (Easter egg hunt, Easter baskets, and cooking Easter dinner before we left was just too much to handle) and then we came home from church in two shifts. I made the kids in my car stay in their church clothes until the second car-load came home just so we could grab pictures.
I’m not sure what some people were laughing about in the beginning. I do know that Twizzler, my how-did-he-get-so-tall 13-year-old, was trying to sneak bites of a donut in between shots. I caught him a few times (including the shot of the donut when everyone else decided to be silly and take a bottom shot.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get one of all 7 of us together, but I made sure that Mom and Dad each snuck in for a shot each.
Next year? My oldest will probably be at school during Easter, enjoying the holiday with my mom and dad. I’m a little sad about that…and that made these pictures all the more important.
What have you been up to this week?

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
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Looks like you had a lot of fun taking this images
The goofy, throwing back their heads laughing, shots are my favorite.
I didn’t even take pictures of us in our EAster duds. Just making it to church on time was no small feat. :)
oh these are hilarious! So much fun for you. I totally forgot to get photos this year! Big momma fail!
No worries! My oldest son, who is 13, is taller than everyone (including me) so it’s easy to mistake! Plus, I was talking about his being silly with his donut. I totally understand! And, yes, I’m sure we’ll do plenty of Skyping…and we text all the time too!
I’m so sorry…I thought you were talking about your son. I guess I misread it. That’s actually a smart idea to establish residency. Glad your mom is there so she can be with family. Maybe you can Skype or FaceTime her.
She’ll be in Utah, and we’re in Maryland. But possibly more importantly, she’ll be establishing in-state residency so she can’t leave the state for more than 30 days total…which is Winter Break. :) Luckily, my mom lives close to the school so she’ll be her family.
Such sweet smiles!
Love the pictures!! What school will your son be where he can’t come home for Easter? My daughter left Monday morning to go back to college which was sad, but I loved having her home for 4 days. We took our annual Easter picture too though we didn’t have donuts :)