I love reading and often get completely caught up in a good book….to the point that nothing else gets done. I have shelves and boxes full of books, and currently my nightstand has eight books stacked on top, plus my Literati eReader.
Do you like digging into a paperback and feeling the pages between your fingers, or do you like the convenience of having all of your books on one device that fits in your purse?
I am still torn. Since getting my original Literati in November, I have since had it replaced by the black model, which took care of almost all of the gripes I had about the white model. The buttons are much easier to use, which makes the device better to navigate and more pleasant to read. I have read three LONG novels on the Literati so far, and I have about 80 more waiting on my virtual bookshelf.
Digital books are cheap and easy to purchase, and I plan on using it a lot, especially during the summer when we spend a lot of time outside at the park and the pool. I find it easy to read on my eReader and it has never bothered my eyes. I love being ready with multiple books on a trip (without having to pack 3 paperbacks in my carry-on) or simply having something ready in my purse when I’m out and about in town.
However, I don’t know if I will ever fully give up my book collection. I still love being able to hold a book in my hands. There’s something comforting in that. I don’t like the space that my books take up, and I have a bad habit of buying books used and hanging on to them, even if I will most likely never read them again.
I think I will probably stick with both for now. Once I tried out an eReader, I knew from the start that I wouldn’t ever be without one. But I am not ready to sell my book collection, either.
Granted, this is from the woman who still has a VHS video player and a whole shelf of old videos that I can’t let go of, either.
Photo from WikiMedia Commons.
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I say books good for home or taking one book to park. But for bus, subway, and mainly traveling e-reader is better even through we all like paper books.
Also on e-readers you can get newspapers and magazines which better than carrying huge paper around. So some pros and cons for both.
I too am torn. I have had my kindle for just over a year and don’t use it quite as often as I had anticipated because of the hoards of books I have on my book shelves waiting to be read. And I do love the feel of a book in my hands. BUT I do love the convenience of my ereader, especially when taking it on vacation. If I finish a book I can just download another one. I will continue to use both for the unforseeable future.
I am afraid to get an ereader because I would become totally ADDICTED I am sure. The great thing about books is that you can take them anywhere. I can take them to the beach or read in the bathtub without the threat of ruining an expensive device.
I love books. I have a whole house filled with books but I plan on getting a kindle this summer. I like the convenience of taking the books with me where I go and some of my books are just too big to carry around. I will probably never stop getting books but I will still get a kindle.
Great question. I like…BOTH. I really don’t think an eReader will ever replace books for me. I like curling up in bed or on the couch to read and I don’t know that an eReader really does that job as good as a book. I can see taking a book to bed and if I fall asleep with it, no biggie. I don’t feel the same way about an eReader. I wouldn’t want to fall asleep with that and discover it dead and dropped on the floor the next morning. :)
BUT, I like being able to get a “book” NOW – without having to go to the store, wait for it in the mail, etc, etc, etc. On an eReader, if I see it and like it, I can be reading it within minutes. That’s definitely a plus and books don’t have. Plus, if I’m reading it on my phone, I can basically bust it out at any time. I always have my phone with me and it doesn’t take up much space. :)
we watch videos on a VCR too – it’s great bc people are so willing to give you their old VHSs and I don’t have to buy expensive Disney DVDs LOL
I have always loved books and was a little skeptical about eReaders until I got a Kindle as a surprise gift. I love the digital ink, nothing like reading on a computer screen. I like the letter games too and all the free downloads of things I otherwise wouldn’t have read (most likely)
That said, there is still nothing like a good book in your hands. But the eReader is nice to have when you don’t necessarily have room for a bunch of actual books when you’re out and about or traveling or whatnot.
Now what I would absolutely LOVE is if I could get free e-versions of the books I already own in paperback or hardcover instead of having to buy them again.
I have both tree books (890) and and iPad. I love reading on the iPad, but nothing says “I’m a reader” like the masses of bookcases.
I’d say get an ereader. They are cheaper in the long run, save trees, the list goes on and on. They aren’t that expensive these days and there is a high book selection. You won’t need closest space to store all the books. With the eInk screen, there’s no eyestrain. Overall, ereaders are succeeding books.
I received a Kindle for the holidays this year and I am very excited. Mostly for the ease of reading while traveling. But I will never give up on the good paperback and hardback. I love holding books too much, and seeing them sitting on my shelves. But I have learned to say good-bye to books much better of the years, otherwise there would be no space for anything but books. So now I only have those books on my shelves that changed me, will likely be re-read, or I consider a must, must, must read. All others are donated or swapped.
I’m quite enjoying the reader. You don’t have to do to the store to get books and can buy them with one click!
I just got the Nook Color and trying to get used to it. I am a HUGE reader so I do think that it is somethign to get used to.