I’d love to say that we waited to buy and decorate our Christmas tree until this past weekend because we couldn’t imagine decorating for Christmas without the whole family together. As it turned out, the fact that we bought our tree this past Saturday and decorated it that night, shortly after our college-aged daughter returned from school for winter break was a total coincidence. Sure, it was nice to take part in our annual tree-decorating ritual with all 7 of us together, but we did it that way because we have been too busy with plays and concerts and parties the last few weeks to have it any other way (really…why must ALL the schools schedule their performances during the busiest time of the year?
Concerts and performances aside…did you notice that little tidbit that I mentioned up there? My daughter is home from college! We are thrilled to have her home, and I’m sure she’s thrilled to be able to sleep in every day while the rest of us are still knee-deep in school and work. We’ve been having fun together, despite the fact that a nasty bug has hit our home. So far, knock on wood, I’ve been able to repress the illness twice now. I thought I was getting sick 2 different times, but either I’m lucky or my essential oils have really been working.
Merry Christmas, everyone! Happy Holidays! Happy New Year, too!

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
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Thanks, Terra! We did have a nice Christmas. We were all sick, but it was nice to be “forced” to lay low and just enjoy quiet time together. Happy New Year! :)
That’s a pretty tree, and it’s great everyone was able to decorate it together. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
I hear you! My tree sat up and lonely for two weeks before we decorated it!
Your tree looks great! I love the traditional lights more than the colorful, chasing ones.