When my oldest daughter started her senior year of high school, she made it clear that she needed a computer of her own. I had figured that I would have to break down and buy her a laptop sometimes before she headed off to school…but I was hoping to be able to delay that time as long as possible (heck, I don’t even have a laptop of my own! Someday…someday!). Her need became more clear as she began the college application – and scholarship application – process this Fall. She needed access to a computer a lot more frequently than my own work computer was willing to share with her.
Luckily, an Intel Tablet came to the rescue, and none too soon. I was shocked – and incredibly blessed and humbled – when I was offered a ThinkPad 2 tablet and keyboard as part of the #TabletCrew program with #IntelTablets. And, just so we’re clear, all ideas and opinions in this post are totally my own. And my daughter’s. She helped.

Let me start off by saying that the college application process (and subsequent scholarship applications) is a lot of work – and not only for the prospective new college student. So many forms to fill out, essays to write, recommendations to request and information to gather. I don’t remember it being so difficult when I was applying to college 20 some odd years ago. Maybe my own mom took the brunt of the college application stress for me. Or maybe I just had no idea how important it was back then like I do now.
Despite the amount of work that it has taken, I was amazed at how KitKat was able to do EVERYTHING she needed to do to apply to colleges, scholarships, and housing right from her Intel Tablet. It really has been an incredible tool as she’s prepared for this next step in her education.
I asked her about some of the most helpful features as well as some of her best college application tips – from choosing colleges to finding the best scholarships to apply for – to share here.
College Application Tips
Start early – Don’t wait until the week before applications are due to start putting things together. Gather all information well ahead of time (have everything lined up before your senior year starts, if possible). Begin the school year by filling in a calendar with all school and scholarship application deadlines. Start with the earliest deadline and work your way through.
Make a check list – Especially when you’re applying to multiple schools and scholarships, the amount of information needed can be overwhelming. Make a list of tasks that need to be completed and information that needs to be gathered and how long each task will require from you. Not only will a check list keep you organized, but it will help give you a sense of accomplishments as you see steps being marked off the list. Tip: Ask for letters of recommendation at least 3 weeks in advance.
Research schools – If you’re not sure what colleges would be the best fit for you, research online and talk with your school counselor. Looks for local scholarships at schools, clubs and other local organizations. Also, don’t hesitate to make college visits to get a feel for a school and decide which might be the best place for you.
Set aside time – Pick a time each day or each week that you can dedicate to working on college applications and scholarships. There is always something you can do to further your college readiness, whether it’s searching for a new scholarship to shopping for supplies.
Take a break now and then – Applying for college is important (and so is staying on top of current the school and work load) but all work and no play leads to burn-out. Intel Tablets are perfect for striking a balance between work and play. Not only is it easy to swipe back and forth between a word document and a movie app, but they are also ideal for multi-tasking teens. KitKat loves to run two apps side by side – she can type up a document on half the screen and watch Netflix on the other half (she also loves being able to select the size of the screens…say 3/4 screen for Netflix and 1/4 screen for her paper).
Honestly, I don’t know how KitKat could have done as much as she had on her college applications without her ThinkPad tablet. Not only has it gotten her INTO college, but it will be following her TO college and will be a great resource as she takes notes in college classes and works on college essays next year.
What she loves most about her Intel Tablet:
- Battery life is fantastic – she doesn’t even have to charge it everyday AND it uses the same charger port as her cell phone.
- Easy-to-use stylus – The stylus fits into the top of her tablet, so she always knows where it is. She loves using her stylus along with her fingers for swiping, and she doesn’t have to chose one or the other.
- Light-weight and portable – She can fit her tablet and keyboard in a handy case that fits both. Together, they are lightweight and incredibly portable. It even fits in her purse.
- Convenient keyboard – the detached/optional keyboard with built-in mouse makes the tablet as easy to type a paper – or an email – on as a computer.
- A true tablet/PC – unlike other tablets, Intel Tablets can run Microsoft Office. So KitKat can work on a paper AND play on apps at the same time. She’s got the convenience of a portable, touch-screen tablet and the power of a PC. It’s perfect for her.
- Split screen – She loves being able to run multiple apps or programs at the same time. That means, she can split her screen between a digital textbook and a paper or Netflix and email. You know, the important stuff.
What are your best college application tips? I’d love to hear any that we may have missed!
#spon: I’m required to disclose a relationship between our site and Intel. This could include the Intel Corporation providing us with content, product, access or other forms of payment.
© 2014, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
How awesome that you received the The Intel Tab. sounds like it came at the perfect time. this will be great for to take to college with her. thanks for sharing the tips.