Potty Trained!
The day that I declared AJ fully potty trained was a happy one. Reese had just recently stopped wetting the bed at night just 2 months before, and since my first three kids had stayed dry at night as soon as they day-time trained, I figured that AJ would follow the majority.

I’m still shaking my head at that logic. AJ doesn’t do anything like his brother and sisters. He is unique through and through.
I was excited to purchase my last package of diapers…ever! I had been buying diapers for 12 years and I was ready to be DONE.
That was 3 years ago.
Why isn’t he dry at night??
AJ’s bedwetting confused me. He had been so consistent during the day that I just expected him to do as well at night time. Twice I declared that his bedwetting was a habit of convenience. I thought if I took the diapers away, he’d stay dry.
It didn’t work.
Instead of buying diapers, I ended up having to wash his bedding every day. I tried training pants, but they were not keeping him dry enough at night.
I declared myself a failure. I thought something must be wrong with AJ, or that I simply wasn’t being consistent enough with taking him to the bathroom at night.
Backing down from the bedwetting battle
And then something clicked. After I took him to the pediatrician for his 6 year check up and heard the doctor swear that his bedwetting was perfectly normal and not a concern, I finally backed down. That was May.
I decided that it’s ok for my 6 year old to wet the bed, especially now that I know that there are more options out there for him than just diapers (which make him feel like a baby) and training pants (which aren’t absorbent enough for him). AJ is not doing anything wrong, and I don’t want him to feel ashamed or nervous about it. It has made a world of difference.
Success with GoodNites Underwear
When I got an email about being a part of the GoodNites® blogger ambassador program, I knew it was meant to be. After stressing for 3 years about AJ wetting the bed and finally coming to terms with it, I loved the idea of helping other moms who may be having similar issues or concerns. You’ll be hearing more about GoodNites®, their team of experts and bedwetting education, and even a giveaway over the next few months.
Please let me know if you have any bedwetting concerns that you’d like to see addressed!
Please note: As mentioned above, I am participating in the GoodNites® Blogger Ambassador program and I am compensated for my time. The thoughts and experiences expressed here are my own.

© 2011 – 2014, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
For the past 8 years I’ve been buying diapers. (We have 7 children.) I have a pottytraining 3 year old and 2 year old twins on deck. I find daytime training to be the hardest especially when we have to leave our house.
Hugs and Mocha,
One of my boys had this problem. Everything I read said it was not uncommon for boys and that most outgrow it around age 7. And, like magic, my son finally stopped wetting the bed after his 7th birthday! Two or three times a year, it still happens, but it’s nothing like it used to be. He definitely turned the corner. I’m betting your son will grow out of it, too.
i am a foster mommy and my 6 –almost 7 year old– wets… at nap..and at night… we are a very active family and naps happen daily :) very frustrating…but we have gotten into a routine…. with his twice daily showers…etc…