All too often, when there’s a day off school (especially in the Winter), my kids and I sleep in, watch a movie or two, and (maybe if we’re lucky) bake some goodies together. Today, in honor of President’s Day, and in an effort to create some memories with my kids, I decided to take advantage of the once-a-year free admission at Mt Vernon. I set my alarm, woke the kids up early, got us all out the door (bundled for the chilly weather) and met my friend, Safire, and her family (for a total of 2 adults and 8 kids!) to caravan down to Northern Virginia for the day.
On the way home, I couldn’t help but think about the memories we created today, and I honestly wondered if the memories that will stick in my kids’ heads are ones that I want them to remember 10 or 15 or 20 years down the road.
Will they remember getting up early on a holiday and missing a day of sleeping in…..or will they remember that we stayed busy and did something together?
Will my kids remember the long drive in traffic (lots of people like to crowd to Mt Vernon on the one day of the year that it’s free!), the long walk from the car (since we had to park a mile away), and having to pee on the side of the road (only one kid resorted to this)….or will they remember the man who gave us 10 tickets for the tour of George Washington’s mansion? Really? Who has 10 extra tickets, the exact number that we needed?
Will my kids focus on the cold temperatures and the rain…..or will they think about holding hands with a friend or helping someone who needed a little boost?
Will they remember whining (or hearing others whine) about being hungry….or will they remember that we stopped for a rare lunch at McDonalds together?
Will they remember sore feet and tired legs from a lot of walking and standing in line…or will they remember the thrill of seeing the actual bed that George Washington was in when he died?
Will they think back on me freaking out in the car on the way home, yelling at everyone to be quiet because I had no idea where I was going and was worried that we’d end up lost in the middle of Washington DC during rush hour….or will they think about a fun and full day together?
I hope that they will focus on the later things. I have to keep telling myself that day trips like these are worth it in the end because more often than not, outings outside my comfort zone end up to be major adventures. And adventures are not always good things when fatigue and crankiness are involved.
I just hope that my kids remember the good things. That in spite of the challenges, the sore feet, the hungry tummies, and a direction-challenged mom, we really do enjoy spending time together.
© 2011 – 2013, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
As a mother, too, I understand your wondering what they will remember…& not sure you’ll ever ask them later, because that day most likely will blur with others.
Have you ever tried to experience such a fun day WITH a small journal in hand? Not one for deep dark thoughts, just for a couple of words now & then to later spark a memory.
In an article on my website, I have described a new easy style of journal, one in which there are lines for words as well as blank pages for mementos. It’s like scrapbooking-on-the-go. Add a couple of pictures after you get home & IT’S DONE!
Hope you will take a couple minutes to see how you can capture your memory-making times, to insure that EVERY time later the travel journal is touched, all those memories will flood back. Every child WILL quickly remember that day, that trip, for his or her own reasons!!!
Your children will say, “Pop some popcorn, gather around, let’s go to Mt Vernon again!”
You can hear the giggles about that day for years to come.
(Start a tradition, take a journal every time. Try it once. Trust me.)
With a sad heart I admit to you that, when I was making memories with my children, I was not wise about the rewards of a journal to jot down highlights as they happened. And it’s not just about my children’s memories fading, it is mine, as well.
You wrote so well about how we moms pour in our heart & soul to provide days like Mt Vernon. with hopes of a lasting positive impression.
What good is a lesson, if there is not a gift from it. Therefore, I created fun journals so that you don’t have to have my regrets.
Live it. Capture it. Keep it forever.
Barbara Wirth
PS: Oh, I’ve yelled in the car …
I applaud you. Seriously. It would been REALLY hard for me to have taken on such an adventure without my husband. But, I feel in my heart that your children will cherish and remember this day.
Thanks! Dark, dreary, and rainy days are hard on the camera, but it was a fun place to take pictures regardless.
Thank you! I love the fact that you can hardly tell which kids are mine and which ones are Safire’s. :)
I think they’ve already forgotten the challenges. :)
You wouldn’t believe all of the adventures the two of us have had together with our kids, including smuggling a dog in a backpack so we could all ride on a bus. LOL
Your photos are absolutely gorgeous!
I love your pictures!!! You have such a beautiful family
I think they’ll remember the hanging meat and the guys in red. and then they’ll say “oh and we had lunch at Mickey Ds, remember?”.
Cool about the sock monkey hat! She wears is everywhere! LOL
Love it! The photos are amazing and I KNOW that when they look back at this and take their own kids to it they’ll be thankful that they went and thankful of the memories you caught in a moment of time!
Oh.. and my 19 year old has the same sock monkey hat… she’s a freak for them and I bought her a small one to put on her backpack when she headed back to college Sunday. I got a kiss on the cheek for that little guy.
Yes! I, for sure, think that your sweet family will remember this beautiful day that you planned and executed for them! Your pictures are divine and your 8 kids/ 2 adults ratio? Brave and fun! :)
Oh, that’s awesome! My nephew cam home super excited about Presidents’ Day, so he would have LOVED this!
I often wonder this too. I think they’ll remember the good things but I also think that the “bad” things make for a good story and a laugh in the years to come!
How far away is Spring Break, and should we start planning for it now?!
Me too. If it weren’t for the free admission, though, I would totally avoid President’s Day and go on some random Spring weekday. Cuz really? The cold and the crowds are not a great combination.
I’ve got to believe that the good things about days like these are the things that stick in our minds. :)
You’re too sweet, Cheryl. I just realized that there are NO pictures of either of us moms. Oh well! We were managing 8 kids and two big cameras in the rain. :)
Thank you! I know it was the “right” thing to do….or at least the best thing we could have done today. But it was still very tiring! :)
I hope they will. Even an outing laden with tantrums and whiny, tired kids is more memorable than sitting home doing nothing!
As always, it was an adventure!! When’s our next one?!
I’m so glad you went today!
And the photos are gorgeous. As usual.
We all remember the good things, don’t we? It looked like a beautiful day!
Look at that gorgeous crew…and knowing that two gorgeous moms were holding it all together pleases me even more.
These WILL be happy memories for all…for years to come!
Yay for making memories! I think you did a great job! And I loved seeing your pictures.
It’s such hard work creating and making memories for our kids. But I think they’ll look back on it with appreciation.