I would have a lot to say about the 6 hours I spent at cub scout day camp today (and the 2 hours driving there and back), but frankly 8 hours with seven 8-9 year old boys, in the pre-thunder storm heat and humidity, wore me completely out. Even CandyMan noticed my extreme fatigue when he came home tonight (at 9:30pm, I might add). So today I’m going to be less wordful than I usually am and leave you with these pictures from today:
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looks like boy heaven! Lovely photos, I hope you recover quickly!
Happy WW!
i really hope my little one gets into stuff like this!
.-= noelle d´s last blog ..Nourish- Review =-.
Ugh! I have 13 girls for scout camp next week….all week! Wish me luck:-)
If only I could do that. I am compromising, though. Although I may not be able to sleep or watch movies all day, I am wearing super comfy clothes and staying at home all day (minus driving kids back and forth)!
.-= Lolli´s last blog ..Menu Planning 101 =-.
Me too! Believe me! :)
.-= Lolli´s last blog ..The Truth About Amusement Parks =-.
Looks like it was FUN!
Why don’t you go ahead and take today off?
You’re welcome!
that looks like a lot of fun. glad the weather held up for you.
.-= Amy´s last blog ..You can only do something if you are willing to try it =-.
This is the first year we’ve gone to this particular camp, and it really is a great one! Just wish it was a little closer…
.-= Lolli´s last blog ..Bucket List =-.
They have been having lots of fun. It’s just amazing how much energy 8-9 year old boys have!
.-= Lolli´s last blog ..Character =-.
Haha! They had to wear those green bandanas all day to tell which group they were in, and so they kept trying to find new ways to wear them. I turned around, and they were playing “ninja scouts.”
.-= Lolli´s last blog ..Moms- It’s Worth It =-.
The boys were fine. Actually, they were really sweet. I used to be their den leader, so I know them all pretty well. It was the heat and the standing all day that put me over the edge!
.-= Lolli´s last blog ..I Heart the USA =-.
I would love to have the luxury of sleeping all day today. But at least I don’t have to go to camp all day again. :) I’ll take it.
.-= Lolli´s last blog ..Fracture Giveaway =-.
It really was fun….just super tiring and really hot!
That looks like an awesome camp!
.-= Allison´s last blog ..Sure He’s Cute…But =-.
looks like a lot of fun–we did ours already
.-= julie@my5monkeys´s last blog ..Moaning Monday =-.
Love that fourth shot! Boys! :D
.-= Elaine´s last blog ..Tweet Week =-.
OH! I looks like so much fun and the awesome memories you just created are soooo worth putting up with so many boys :)
.-= debi9kids´s last blog ..The Grand Canyon Nuff Said =-.
I bet that they had a blast…and that you could sleep for days if given the chance. :)
Looks like a great day even with the heat! Love the arrow picture!
.-= Staci´s last blog ..Almost Wordless Wednesday- My Solution =-.