As I was driving to the doctor’s office this morning, I was thinking about the WEEK that we’ve had at our house. It started last Monday with Reese’s 2nd degree burn, then progressed to Twizzler’s strep on Wednesday, Reese’s strep and ear infection on Thursday, my Cough (with a capital C) over the weekend, and AJ’s antibiotic overdose and trip to the ER this Monday. I took him in today to be checked after his ER visit. He was 100% fine, minus the annoying charcoal that just WON’T WASH OFF his mouth! It seems like everything happened all at once this week.
I need Calgon.
Lest any of you think we are like this all the time, I thought I’d share all of our previous “emergency” situations. Over the course of 12 years and 5 kids, we’ve only had 4 other ER/hospital visits. I don’t think we’ve done too bad. Actually, I think that’s plum incredible.
KitKat was all dressed up in a pretty dress, ready to go to church. She did a single spin in the family room to watch her skirt fly….and she hit her head, right above the eye, on the coffee table (which we promptly moved out of the family room). Instead of church that day, we spent several hours in the ER where she got 5 stitches. She was NOT happy with the doctor when he tried to put the stitches in, and she wiggled her arm right out of the papoose and grabbed onto his collar while he stitched her up.

5 days before Twizzler’s 1st birthday, he came down with a fever. Despite the Tylenol that we were giving him regularly, his fever continued to be very high. Before putting him to bed that night, I read the chapter on fevers in the children’s medical resource book. There was a little paragraph that turned out to be very helpful a few hours later…..when he woke up screaming in his crib. I ran upstairs because the cry did not sound normal. I found him looking as if he were staring at monsters. He didn’t see me. He was shaking and his body was going stiff every few seconds. I recognized it immediately as a febrile seizure (ie–a seizure brought on by a high fever). I called the dr on call and then 911. The seizures, which typically only last for several seconds, went on for more than 10 minutes. Very scary. Twenty minutes later, we were riding an ambulance to the hospital. He was still screaming and very out of it. Once there, we were assured that there would be no lasting effects from the seizures. The next day, we took him in to the doctor, and I was hailed as the mother who kept her cool during the emergency (it was strange–the doctors came out to greet me and pat me on the back….). It’s amazing what knowledge and the comforting assurance of the Spirit can do!! While there, Twizzler’s fever spiked once again to 106 degrees. The doctor put him on a bed of ice–real ice–and we stayed there til it went down.
My brother and sister in law had just come for a visit. I was 9 months pregnant with Apple (he was born on the 18th). KitKat ran upstairs to get a scrapbook to show Uncle Donovan and Aunt Mischa, and on her way down the stairs she slipped and fell. I didn’t think much of it until, the next day, after not sleeping a wink at night, it still hurt just as bad. I took her into the doctor and confirmed that she had indeed broken the growth plate in her ankle. She got a purple cast and a blue walking shoe. Thank goodness Mischa was there to stay with the other kids and Donovan could come with me to carry KitKat. There’s no way I could have done that without help! Believe it or not, later the evening of the 12th, KitKat DANCED in her talent show rehearsal and performed on the 13th in front of the school and parents! She got the cast off just in time for summer and never skipped a beat.
Last year, she sprained the same ankle (it has been weak ever since) and was on crutches and a splint. Let me tell you, casts are wonderful things and SO much easier!!
That’s it, I think. Necco, my child who has always been physically active, has never hurt herself. Go figure!
PLEASE let us not have to go back to the doctor for a VERY LONG TIME! Please?
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