Alternately titled…
“How to make homemade notebook paper”

Today was an odd day. I decided to force myself to take a nap (I was significantly sleep-deprived after a really late night. Long story). So I slept til after lunch, ate a late meal, and then took a shower. I basically had time to get ready and answer a few emails before having to drive my oldest daughter to dive practice at a different pool, 25 minutes away.
I figured I’d stay out in the parking lot and get a little work done (I wrote an entire novel on my iPad that will be a post in the near future…) since my husband would be home when the other kids got home from school. On the way home, an hour and a half later, we stopped by the library to drop 3 books off, and then by the gas station to fill up the tank.
I was 5:45 by the time we came home. As we approached our neighborhood, I casually remarked, “I hope Dad decided to make something for dinner, since we’re getting home so late.”
She laughed. “Mom, you know better than that…”
(In his defense, Candyman is a very good cook. It’s one of the reasons I liked him at first.)
We got home. Dad was in front of the computer. Kids were in front of the TV. Laundry was untouched. Dishes were untouched. And the only smell coming from the kitchen was the garbage that needed to be unloaded.
I asked the kids and husband downstairs where AJ, my youngest, was. He’s six. “Down here somewhere” was the response. I looked around, called his name, and said, “No, guys, I’m pretty sure he’s not in this room.”
“Oh, I think he went upstairs a few minutes ago,” Reese remarked, not taking her eyes off the movie.
I walked upstairs, calling AJ’s name, wondering if he had wandered upstairs and fallen asleep (he’s been known to do that).
And that’s when the doorbell rang.
AJ, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, was on the other side of the door, having decided that it would be fun to go play outside by himself on a January night. I asked him how long he’d been outside, and he replied, “About 40 minutes.”
What could I do? Promise him coal in his stocking? I reminded him of the importance of NOT playing outside alone and definitely not playing outside IN THE DARK. Yada yada…. So I set to work making a gourmet meal of spaghetti, meatballs, and salad (the old throw-something-together-in-10-minutes meal).
It was slight torture to pull the kids and the husband away from Lord of the Rings and upstairs for dinner, but they finally came. Dinner was consumed, a few dishes were loaded, and the room was suddenly vacant. Cleaning up sounded more enjoyable than pulling everyone back upstairs, so I put the food away, did all the dishes, and made myself a little dessert.

I walked upstairs to get started on my Photostory Friday post only to find AJ, that little stinker, at my computer. He had done a Google search for “notebook paper” and, having not found exactly what he wanted, decided that it would be best to make his own….by photo copying the notebook that was on my desk.

THIRTY ONE pages later, I found him.

Tonight, my motto is “Don’t get mad. Just blog about it.”
I feel so much better already.
Kind of.

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
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That’s why I only put about 10 pieces of paper in the printer, because my father will just print any old web page he sees, in full color, best quality, and not notice that it’s 25+ pages.
Life would be so boring without children… right?! :-)
oh! one of THOSE days. Yeah. BTDT. I have an AJ, but he’s my Middle. Very inventive. Always figuring out the “best” tactic on his own. They’d get along great. LOVE the notebook paper.