On Sunday the 17th, I boarded a plane by MYSELF and headed to Utah. I left PB with all five kids (my sister Andrea took Noodle and Reese to her house for the week later). I read the entire way there. What a relaxing few hours! My Brother in Law picked me up from the airport and we stopped by their house for a few hours. I got to know my sweet niece who I haven’t seen in a whole year. She was surprisingly affectionate with me!
On Monday morning, Mom and I started our classes at BYU promptly at 8:30. It still shocks me that I can wake up at 7:00, take a shower and eat breakfast and be sitting in class at 8:30. It’s amazing what I can accomplish without 5 kids to get ready before I get myself dressed and fed!
My sister joined us that afternoon for classes, too. We stayed in class until about 5:00 every day.So, for the entire week, Mom and I took classes on everything from parenting to religion to music. I took tons of notes (I would love to share all of the great ideas and insights I gained! Just ask!). My hands and my brain ached by the end of the day!! My Sister and Sister in law joined us for classes on Wednesday, too.
The campus and the weather were especially beautiful while I was there. Maybe I was just appreciating some time to fill my bucket. I don’t know. Everything just seemed GOOD to me during Education Week.
Here’s the view of the mountain from my mom’s front yard. Lovely!
Some other highlights of my trip:
~Everyday, my mom and I would drool over all of the books in the BYU bookstore. We were like 2 kids in a candy shop. Unfortunately, books are a lot more expensive (and heavier!) than candy. But they’re much better on the hips!
~I got to hang out with my sister, brother, and sister in law. BTW, Donovan and Mischa, I never got a picture with you guys!! We DID, however, have some really good dinners out together. AND I got to see my first 2008 olympics in the evenings. My favorites were the sychronized swimming routines. :)
~Saturday, my last full day in Utah, Mom and I had a day of INDULGENCE. We slept in and then went to an early movie (Mamma Mia! SO fun!!), then went shopping for Mom’s birthday present (and iPod and speaker dock thing). I spent all of my free time that day loading all of her CDs on her computer and then to her iPod. We came back home for a lunch of left-overs (mine was the chicken trio from Carrabas) AND we discovered by accident that the book that I had just finished reading the night before (Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult) was going to shown on Lifetime in about 30 minutes. It was so fun to watch the book that I had JUST finished, although, of course, the deficiencies stood out to me even more than usual. After that movie was over, we headed quickly back to the mall for a quick dinner from Subway and ANOTHER movie. This time, we saw The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. Another really fun one! We had watched the first one Friday night in preparation. See what I mean by indulgence? :)
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