A few years ago, if you had asked me what I envisioned for the year 2010 I would have said, “More of the same.” Honestly, for me motherhood has been a lot of the same routine, day in and day out. Month after month and year after year. Motherhood has its highs and its lows, its ups and its downs. The ups – the hugs and the kisses, the stories shared together, the smiles on Christmas morning. The downs – cleaning up a sick child’s bed in the middle of the night or 10 years of changing diapers. But after 12 years of being a stay at home mom, I didn’t have a whole lot of variety in my life. Excitement, yes. Drama, for sure. Work, you’d better believe it.
I never would have pictured myself at age 35 on a train, heading back home after an exhilarating day trip to New York where I had the opportunity to participate in a live webcast press conference with Dr Karen Reivich, the founder of Fishful Thinking. Not only did I get to travel to NYC for the day and meet Karen, Pepperidge Farm and Mr Youth employees, but I also had the opportunity to speak. Yes, me! Speaking alongside Dr. Reivich, answering questions from the press and explaining the Fishful Thinking Ambassador program.
Not the best picture of me (I was tired after a long day) but I love it just the same…because I adore being able to work with these ladies!
I never would have imagined myself having opportunities like the ones that blogging has brought me. The people I’ve met, the experiences I’ve had, the amazing things I’ve learned as I’ve had the chance to interact not only with great bloggers but with incredible people like Karen. They’ve only been possible because of my blog. It’s a lot for a little mom like me to take in, and some days I feel overwhelmed with gratitude and awe.
Here are a few of the photos from my incredible day in New York.
Chelsea Market
Without going into too much detail, after a delicious lunch, the press gathered in a gorgeously decorated room (can I move in??).
Dr. Reivich introduced the Fishful Thinking program, and then I talked about the Ambassador and Faculty program and what our role is in spreading the Fishful Thinking message. Karen then introduced each of the ingredients and three faculty members who were on the phone conferencing with us detailed activities that they had done with their families that fit with each of the ingredients. I finished off with one of the activities I’d done with my kids, and then we opened it up to questions. I was lucky enough to be able to sit with Karen and just chat, mom to mom. I also spent some good quality, feet-aching time with Carla, who is our Fishful Thinking go-to person. Carla showed me around New York a little (and can I just say New York City is much more enjoyable with someone who knows where they’re going versus trying to figure it out on your own?!).
It was an incredible day. But I’m glad to be home. And bed sure does sound good tonight.
PS–next time I have to decorate for a party, I’m totally decorating with Goldfish. Edible centerpieces. What could be better??
How was that for WordFUL Wednesday?
Plus, Mama Kat, who I get to hang out with again this weekend, wanted to hear about my trip and so she made one of this week’s writing workshop prompts, “Tell me about your trip!” All righty, M-K, here it is, just for you!
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Thank you! It’s been a fun journey. Ok, not always FUN, but certainly interesting and educational. :)
I somehow missed this.
It was perfectly wordful.
I’m so excited for you for the opportunities you’ve had to grow and expand.
Your photographs just keep getting better, too.
.-= angie´s last blog ..{A little letter to my laptop} =-.
Wow, you are an incredible photographer! Thoroughly enjoyed my visit to your site. Where can I learn more about Fishful Thinking?
So fun! : ) I love those vases with goldfish in! I am going to do that for the next party I have to do for sure :) I think kids would get a kick out of it. Perfect. I hope you could rest today before your big weekend : )
.-= Life with Kaishon´s last blog ..Where there is hope =-.
The Fishful Thinking campaign is a wonderful program. I’m an ambassador as well. :-)
It’s so true about the wonderful opportunities brings us. I am always amazed by each new door that opens since I began blogging a couple of years ago.
I love the Goldfish centerpieces. What a great idea! Hwo knew Goldfish could be so pretty?! You could buy the rainbow fish, sort them by colors and match some flowers to the colors. :-)
.-= Run DMT´s last blog ..A Peaceful Journey =-.
That’s great how you combine both Wordfull Wednesday and Writer’s Workshop.
I have never been to NYC, but I have ridden on a train. I have taken two long train rides, one from Chicago to North Carolina via. Washington DC; and the other from Chicago to Salt Lake. If I ever do it again I think I will get a sleeper car (sleeping in the club car just doesn’t cut it).
Thanks for sharing,
.-= Christopher (AKA: CaJoh)´s last blog ..Writer’s Workshop: I’m Leaving on a Jet Plane =-.
Thanks for the pics of the center pieces. That is such a simple, but fabulous look.
.-= Jacki @ The Raven’s Spell´s last blog ..Writer’s Workshop- A Difficult Conversation =-.
Great pictures, and what a fantastic opportunity for you! I want to hang out in that room with you!
.-= Beth´s last blog ..St. Patrick’s Day Magic Treasure Box Craft =-.
Looks and sounds like an amazing experience,and certainly out of the “norm!” I love NYC! Thanks for sharing this with us. :)
.-= Elaine´s last blog ..WW – Reality =-.
Yep! I’ll be speaking both Friday and Saturday at the CBC (Crazy!!). I can’t wait to meet everyone!
As far as how I got involved with Fishful Thinking, last March I heard that they were recruiting 1000 moms to be ambassadors to spread the FT message of positive parenting. It sounded like a great program to me, so I applied. In the early Fall, I had the opportunity to become one of the 10 faculty moms (leaders in the FT community) and at the same time, they recruited another 1000 moms. Since the program is going so well, there’s already talk about recruiting more moms soon. But at the moment, we’re not. If it opens up again, I know lots of people I am going to be encouraging to join in!
I wish you could have been there, too! It was an experience and opportunity I won’t soon forget. I’m still on a high! (except for the fact that I am exhausted today!)
Not at all! Grab away. Remind me to link up, too! It really was an incredible, uplifting experience, and I am so glad to have happened upon Fishful Thinking a year ago.
What a terrific experience! And I love the Goldfish centerpieces with the orange flowers! Cool!
.-= Jenni Jiggety´s last blog ..WW: I Can’t Quit You =-.
Wow! You are going to Casual Blogger Conference right? I’d LOVE to meet you.
how did you get all involved as an ambassador in the Fishful thinking program? That is sweeeet! I am in awe every day when I get opportunities in my own bloggy world for giveaways–I don’t have much but it nice to get the exposure.
Wow! You have really been exposed here and that is fantastic! I love blogging and I hope one day to have an opportunity to speak at a conference. i think that would be SO much FUN!
KUDOS to you for going out there and sharing your life and ideas with people. I hope to be able to do the same thing one day.
*I submitted my first article to MMB today. We’ll see what happens. I had a nagging feeling to write about gratitude. We’ll see how it turns out.*
If you stop by my blog–it is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox. And if you can’t see it–stop by my wordpress.com blog if you have time–https://vloggingmama.wordpress.com.
I am really excited to meet you! I hope you come to CBC.
Your blog title is very catchy and creative.
.-= one cluttered brain´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday (If you want to laugh…) =-.
Do you see me pointing at myself? That’s me being a jealous girl! Your pics made me even more envious!!! So glad you had fun. Even gladder (is that a word? It doesn’t sound like one in my head) that you’re a part of the faculty!!
.-= Cecily R´s last blog ..Wordful Wednesday and 365 Week 9 =-.
Blogging is a good thing! :) Loved all your shots, but the ones of the goldfish being used as center pieces was too funny.
.-= Michelle @ One Crafty Mama´s last blog ..WW- February 365 =-.
What a wonderful opportunity! Glad you had fun!
.-= Melissa Multitasking Mama´s last blog ..So Long Insecurity, Hello Me =-.
Looks like you had a blast! And, blogging has afforded me opportunities too. Super cool ones that other people are probably insanely envious of, like meeting you!
.-= Dumb Mom´s last blog ..Wordful Scoop This Wednesday =-.
I’m a little choked up reading this. I know what you mean – it’s crazy how blogging led me to Fishful Thinking too. I can’t say enough about how amazing it is and what a benefit it has been to my family. Looking at your pictures, I almost feel like I was there in person. So awesome! I LOVE the Goldfish centerpieces. I would have never thought of that in a million years!!! This week for Fishful Thinking Thursday when I post about the webcast, would you mind if I link to your post and spotlight one of your centerpiece pictures?
Thanks! I don’t know if I was perfect for the job or not…but I sure did enjoy myself!
At the very bottom of my blog (footer) there are links to the Fishful Thinking program. It’s not about the product at all (just “sponsored” by goldfish). It’s all about positive parenting skills and activities to do with your kids. You should look into it! And ask me any questions you have. :)
Yeah—can you imagine eating all of those?! I brought plenty of goldfish home for the kids. :)
Gorgeous photos!
.-= marlynn´s last blog ..Miss Destructo =-.
I wish I could have taken them home! But that would have meant that I’d have to carry them all through NYC. I would love to decorate my house like that!!
You should get back into it! It’s such a great program for parents and kids to experience together!
When I saw that round mirror, I knew I had to take a picture in it. Granted, everyone else in the room probably thought I was crazy to take pictures of myself in a mirror….but oh well!
Thanks! I wish I could have spent more time taking pictures of Chelsea Market. It was such a cool place!
Glad you had fun. Looks like it was fantastic!
.-= Brandie´s last blog ..True Story Tuesday =-.
sounds like a blast and great pics
Looks like a blast! Glad you had fun!
Thank you for sharing! Can’t wait to hear about it in more detail when I FINALLY meet you this weekend!
.-= Trenches of Mommyhood´s last blog ..Ladies Night =-.
I love the goldfish center pieces, I never would have though of that. Sounds like you had a great experience. Oh, the photo of Chelsea Market is stunning!
.-= Allison´s last blog ..Top 10 Reasons My Husband is a Better Dad Than I Could Be =-.
What an amazing experience for you. You were definitely the perfect person for the job!
.-= Lara´s last blog ..Are you a gazillion dollars richer tonight? =-.
Wow! That’s so exciting! I love the goldfish/floral centerpieces.
.-= Colleen´s last blog ..An impromptu trip to China by way of DC =-.
What a great opportunity! And I’m loving the gold fish centerpieces as well!
.-= Jess´s last blog ..Really, again? =-.
You are going to have educate me on Fishful Thinking… I’ve seen it around, but honestly thought it was just an Ad for the Fish Crackers.
Ohhh I so love Goldfish I would feel myself expanding at that very moment!
Looks like you had a great time…wish I could do something like that too! How exciting!
.-= Erin´s last blog ..The 6th Sense Part II =-.
That is awesome!! Good for you. What an experience.
And I do love the goldfish centerpieces!! Are those yours??
.-= Alicia´s last blog ..HOW MUCH IS THAT DOGGY IN THE WINDOW? =-.
That is so awesome!! I would love to do something like that!!! :)
.-= Upstatemomof3´s last blog ..This Is Good For A Laugh =-.
OH how awesome! You are so good about Fishful Thinking. I signed up a long time ago and have only done a few small things….
LOVE the photos and esp love the goldfish centerpieces! Too cool!
.-= debi9kids´s last blog ..Will You Share Your Sunny Spot With Me? =-.
Love the picture of your reflection in the round mirror. That is totally cool!
The fish centerpieces are fun too!
.-= Honey Mommy´s last blog ..The Train Store =-.
Once again I am in awe of your photos. Such a talent. I love the colors in the Chelsea Market photo! I just figured out how to do color adjustment like these in PS2. Can’t wait to try it with some of my own photos! It sounds as if you had a wonderful trip.
.-= Christie´s last blog ..It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Sprouts Teeth =-.