Wondering what those four things have in common? That’s what CandyMan gave me for our anniversary yesterday. Yep, April 28th was our 13th anniversary. Wow, do I feel old! It has been a fun, exciting 13 years, and I’m grateful to be married to such an amazing person.
Our wedding day–April 28, 1995
Before you feel sorry for me (speaking of the presents), my gift to him was nutty buddies, tapioca pudding, and index cards (all presented in a nice gift bag). The kids didn’t know what we were thinking. What kinds of presents are those? Haha! At least we were on the same page. We had decided beforehand to make this a no-present anniversary. We celebrated two weekends ago with an over-nighter date. My sister spent the night with the kids while we had a fun date with a hotel stay.
The plumber came this morning. On Saturday, in the middle of laundry, our utility sink clogged up. Bad. Just an extra day and a half of stalling the laundry was too much, and it was piling up fast. Thank goodness that it was a quick and easy fix. I’m doing lots of laundry today to catch up. Believe it or not, in 13 years of marriage, that was the first time we’ve ever had to call a plumber. CandyMan’s a great fix-it guy and can figure almost any household problem out. What a lucky girl I am!
Our engagement photo, ages 23 and 20. Look how young we are!
I thought it would be fun to relate our “story” to those of you who don’t know. We met at BYU just before my junior year started. CM had just moved into my apartment complex (Belmont) and I already knew some of his new roommates and a few girls that he had known back in Richmond (which was why he ended up at Belmont). We were introduced in August but it wasn’t until his roommate, K, wanted to date my roommate, S, that we got to know each other. He didn’t want to go out alone, so he literally forced CM to call me for a double date. Funny thing is, CM and I hit it off great that night, and S and K never really clicked.
CM and I started hanging out at the beginning of the semester (September) but just as friends. I had broken off an engagement the year before and was still in no rush to find a new relationship, and CM was pursuing a girl that he was sure he was going to marry. For CM, there always seemed to be obstacles in the way of progress, and the relationship he was pursuing never flourished. At the same time, we were becoming best friends. The day that CM decided that it was hopeless with the other girl was the day that he realized that something had grown between us. Over Thanksgiving weekend, two best friends shared a kiss (the kiss terrified CM so much that he left my apartment running. He even forgot his shoes!). We tried going back to being “just friends” but it never worked. However, we were never openly dating. Imagine our ward members’ surprise when we returned from Christmas Break engaged. It was the shock of the ward.
So after a month of dating on the sly, I left on a trip to Europe to be a co-chaperone with my mom for my brother’s high school band. What an experience! By the time I got back to the states, CM and I had missed each other so much that we both knew that we didn’t want to be apart again. He flew out to California before returning to BYU to meet my family and propose.
When he asked me to marry him, I was still VERY sleep deprived and sick from my trip (an hour or two after getting off the plane from Europe) and so I didn’t answer right away (which scared him!). But once I came to my senses, I said yes, and we planned an April wedding. That’s our story in a nutshell!
Time for a visit to the park. One more friend had her 2nd baby boy yesterday (I’m so excited!) so I’ll have more baby pictures next week!
And here we are today–still happy after 13 years!
© 2008, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
LOVE looking at your pictures! I can’t believe how young you were!