School is cancelled for another day.
Stuck at home again.
That’s 5 days off school (yes, I’m counting Saturday and Sunday)….after the 2 weeks that I had sick kids at home, mind you.
The kids are thrilled. What could be better than this?
Mom and I…..well, we’re not so thrilled. We haven’t had a moment alone (oh–except for the run to the Verizon Wireless store to see why her phone was not charging. Hmm…Take the battery out, put it back in….Fixed!). I know–that sounds totally selfish, right? We live across the country from each other and we really look forward to having quiet lunches together while the kids are at school….shopping for hours….or just sitting down for a mid-day girly movie. We’re not getting any of that. Grumble, grumble, grumble….
At least I got a few good pictures out of the mess today. :)

Reese was thrilled that she could “ice skate” down our side walk. Yes, that’s solid ice there. I was waiting for her to break something.
Look at AJ’s lip–almost completely healed!
Eww! She licked the ice too fast for me to do anything but yell from behind the camera!
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