One of my good friends, Safire, invited us to go to a near-by beach for the day. We had so much fun! It was really hard to pull the kids away.
Taco built mountains and moats in the sand all day long.Nerds, on the other hand, was in the water (which was surprisingly pleasant) all day long. She was the first to go under. :)
My friend, Melissa, came along, too. Melissa found a really cool lip-shaped rock and cracked me up by wearing it! Her adorable daughter, Lexi, wanted to give it a try, too, but put the rock straight into her mouth.
Here’s Lexi showing off her new standing skills
For lunch, we cooked hot dogs and burgers on a portable grill. As hungry as the kids were, they were more interested in playing than eating (although it sure looks like they’re having fun with their hot dogs here!) Al and Butterfly (Safire’s daughter) are about a week apart in age.
When not in the water, Nerds collected rocks and shells.
Nerds and Reese (and KitKat, too) had fun entertaining Butterfly in the water.
Al LOVED the waves and was literally laughing with joy every time the water hit him. He had no fear, although he was careful about not passing the drop off line.
Safire took one last picture of us before we left. Wait! Do I have 6 kids?
Me and Safire, thanks to KitKat.
Fun Fun Fun day!!
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