I’ll even take the 70 minute drive to the store…
The kids went to school today (they had a 2-hour delayed start) AND Mom, AJ and I were able to make it out to my favorite store of all time (is it sad that my favorite place to shop is a thrift store??)
About 10 minutes down the freeway we ran into this:
The traffic continued until the exit before we got off the freeway. Our 30 minute drive took us over an hour. But AJ slept and Mom and I chatted the whole way. Can’t complain about that. We watched car after car drop huge sheets of ice off the tops of their cars (and heard the huge scraping sound as our van lost sheets of ice, too). It was quite the spectacle. Thank goodness we were not close to any accidents. We passed several, including one car that was wearing the bumper from another car.
The shopping was amazing. I found bags full of treasures–among the best being a bag full of Castle Kingdom Lincoln Logs. The 3 little kids have been playing with the new set for 2 hours now (with not even a snack break!). We LOVE Lincoln Logs at our house, and the castle set is not only rare (haven’t even seen it before) but it is right up Twizzler’s alley.I also found myself a pair of gorgeous, slipper-soft black shoes to replace the shoes that I just ruined yesterday (the soles are split in half). I am super excited about them. We got jeans for Reese and KitKat and church pants for Twizzler and pajamas for AJ. I also brought home a stack of books for me!
It doesn’t get much better than this!!
Back at home, Necco wanted to clear off the steps next door. Nobody lives there anymore, so it tends to be neglected (hmm..big understatement). Thanks, Necco!
Tomorrow is Twizler’s big day. Yep, the BIG 0-8. Geesh. I JUST realized that I need to make a cake. Glad I remembered tonight!
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