I mentioned at the beginning of the year that I am not a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I need to lose weight, yes (a fact that I am painfully reminded of each time I look in the mirror or squeeze into a freshly washed pair of jeans). I need to incorporate more activity and exercise into my day, eat fewer sweet snacks and drink fewer Cokes. There are so many thing that I should be doing (things that I know would be good for me). And it all comes back to my word-of-the-year:

I realized at the end of 2011 that my life had become grossly imbalanced. I worked too much, I sat too much, I ate too much, and I didn’t sleep enough.
This past month, I have renewed my determination to reach into even more areas of my life and find even greater balance.
And drink MORE water.
I will slip off the slippers more often….
And don my sneakers MORE often.
I will snack on fewer of these (hold me back!)….
And opt for a more healthy poppable snack (does it count if my raisins are covered in vanilla yogurt??).
In addition to a few healthier lifestyle choices, I have been taking 4x Pro-B Digestive Care from Costco.com this past month. In fact, I just finished my first 3 weeks taking the probiotic.

There are not many steps on the road to achieving balance and good health that are as easy and painless as taking a probiotic for digestive health, and yet I had never considered doing it before this test run.
I went into this trial not knowing what to expect, and honestly not knowing if I’d even be able to see and feel and changes.
Without going into the bathroom details…I saw a difference, and it was more pronounced than I ever would have expected.
I look forward to the next few months as I continue to take 4x Pro-B and work on my other health/wellness and balance goals. Have you ever taken or considered taking a digestive care supplement? I highly recommend giving 4x Pro-B from Costco.com a try (at $21.99 for a 63 day supply it’s a great deal). Find out more at Costco.com or on their Facebook page.
In what ways are YOU maintaining balance and increasing your health and wellness?
This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias #digestivecare All opinions and endorsements are my own and not influenced by payment or samples received. See my Google + album for more detail on this shop!
© 2012, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
I feel like I could have written this post:) I have the exact same experience, minus the pro-b part of course. But I drink to much soda, eat too many unhealthy things, don’t get enough sleep or exercise. Balance is such a great way to look at things!
I am also taking 4X Pro-B and I feel better too.I hadn’t really considered taking probiotics in a serious way before.But now I will keep taking them and hopefully add a few more things that will add good health to my life. Great job!
Oh Lolli-
I SO hear you! I need to do all of those same things too! Less soda, more water, less slippers, more sneakers, less chocolate, more fruit…. not to mention less sitting on my butt and more using the elliptical, and less playing on the computer and more going to sleep on time!
Great post. I feel similarly! My goal for the year is to be “healthier”. Changing even one or two things makes a difference! Very curious about the probiotics for adults. hmm…
I’m right there with you with it all..on a goal! Love having 4X Pro-B to help me motivated to a healthier me! :)