1) I hate calling people I don’t know very well on the phone. It’s funny because I love to talk on the phone, but for some reason, I have a hang up (hehe!) about dialing that phone and calling.
2) I love to take baths. Ever since my varicose vein problems during my last pregnancy, I have become hooked on relaxing in the tub (I had VVs during all of the pregnancies, but with Apple I was tired of wearing those thick, ugly hose and chose to deal with the pain instead!) Someday I will have a hot tub!
3) Speaking of pregnancies, I AM NOT pregnant, but people ask me if I am all the time. Especially my kids! My big stomach drives me crazy (mostly for the fact that it’s one of the only places on my body that I really retain extra weight, so it stands out….sometimes a lot). No matter how many exercises I do, it just doesn’t seem to want to change.
4) I don’t like surprizes. I like to know what to expect, whether it be in day to day life or during the holidays and at birthday time. I don’t like keeping surprize-secrets, either. Now, don’t get me wrong–I can keep a confidence. But secrets bug me.
No, I was not one of those kids that hunted for all of the Christmas presents! And I did not shake all of the gifts under the tree, but I would have opted to shop with my mom and pick out my own presents. :)
5) I love a simple hair cut and style. I admire people who have cute styles, but I just can’t do it. I need something that can air dry and that can be pulled back in a ponytail on a rushed day. That’s why I currently have a perm. My natural curls are just not curly enough to leave alone–I’ve either got to blow it dry straight or settle for kinks. PS–I have never liked my hair color (well, at least since it changed from blond to mouse), but I’m too cheap to get it colored regularly.
My first perm (this was taken on my 13th birthday)
6) Last month, I neglected to mention one thing that really is one of my favorites things to do, so I’ll end with that….I love scrapbooking. It’s a great creative outlet for me, but I also love the idea of creating something that my kids can learn from and (hopefully) treasure when they’re all grown up. I write a lot of stories and commentary in the kids’ scrapbooks, so by the time they leave home, they’ll have a history of their whole life to take with them (if I am still willing to part with the books!) I’ve only been a parent for 11 years, but I’ve forgotten SO much. I can’t imagine all of those precious stories that I’d forget if they weren’t written down. I love it!
Ok–now for the TAG part….I tag Amy, Karen, Deanna, Joy, Leah, and Safire. Now it’s your turn! :)
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