This has been a rough week. First, Susan Niebur, my friend and fellow DC-area blogger died on Monday. Her passing was not a surprise. She has been valiantly fighting cancer for the last 5 years and had not been doing well of late.
I’ve found that funerals are emotionally taxing, but they are cleansing as well. There’s nothing quite like sharing a good cry with family and friends, and friends who feel like family, because that’s what this group of Maryland-DC-Virginia bloggers is for me. I am so grateful to have them – and to have known Susan, who was and still is such a shining spirit.
I saw this sweet memorial at the school across from the church where Susan’s services were held on Wednesday. All week there has been a beautifully clear, bright, full moon in the night sky, surrounded by stars more vivid than normal for our metro area. I thought of Susan, our resident planetary scientist, every time I saw that moon and the stars this week, and I think I will always think of her when I see a full moon.
My friend, Amie (@mammaloves) took this beautiful photo of the moon – Susan’s moon.

Thank you, Amie. It’s gorgeous.
In other news, my health has taken a turn for the worse this week. I’ve had a cough now for nearly 5 weeks, I think (really, after 2 weeks it just seems like forever. I may have lost count). Now, I’ve got chest congestion and a fever and a racing heart to go with the cough. Oh, the joys of a warm winter?! Pray for me?

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I am so sorry for your loss. :(
The moon shot is very beautiful.
I didn’t know Susan but had read her blog, she seems like she was an amazing person to so many people. Many prayers to her family and friends.
I hope your spirit can heal some this weekend. Sounds like you need some rest, I hope you take it for yourself!
I think it was Susan’s dad who mentioned it so I made a point to go drive by the school before I left. I’m glad I did. :)
Lol! I have an appointment in an hour. I hardly slept last night….before I went to bed, I had Susan and Janice ( my bosses at 5 minutes for mom) telling me to not wait the night and get into the doctor before bed. I love having so many moms watching out for me. :) we’re so good to everyone but ourselves, aren’t we?
Not to sound like a mom or anything, but go get that cough checked out! Twice in the past 2 years my cough has turned into pneumonia before I made it to the doctor. Hope you feel better soon!
Did notice the full moon yesterday while driving :-)
What a lovely tribute to her memory! The part about the moon gave my goosebumps! I heard of Susan’s passing from another blogger on Wednesday. How truly sad. Although I never knew her, it’s obvious she was a wonderful person who was loved by many.
Lovely moon shot! I hope you feel better soon. I had an 8-week cough once; I couldn’t even lay down to sleep – I had to sleep sitting up. I know your pain and I hope it goes away.
I’m so sorry about Susan. I didn’t know her before I started seeing posts about her death but I can tell she was a bright spot and that she’ll be very missed.
Feel better. And get yourself to the doctor!
Sorry that you are feeling so yucky! I hope you feel better soon.
That moon shot is just lovely, by the way.
Thanks for posting that picture. I totally missed that Wednesday.
of course you have my continued prayers…
stress doesn’t help in healing.
Try to rest a little.
I hope you feel better soon. *hugs*
Never get tired of a great moon shot!