A little while ago, my kids were playing outside and discovered a moth in our front yard. The kids ran inside to tell me about the moth. Finding insects and little critters outside is pretty common occurance, and nothing to get all excited about, I thought.
And then I saw the moth.
Yes, THIS moth was worthy of pulling out the big camera. I don’t know if you can tell perspective in these shots, but the moth was bigger than my hand. And that shot of him flying at me (shudder!)? His body was thicker than my thumb.
I swear he was coming to attack me here…
As scary as this moth was….wasn’t he beautiful?
PS – I believe I identified our moth as a Polythemus moth, or giant silk moth. And what’s so cool about this discovery is that my kids and I found the caterpillar predecessor in our front yard last year. Here’s the Instagram shot I caught of it:

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wow that is a huge moth and it is kinda cool even though it is a moth! My kids would have been running for the hills!
That thing is HUGE! Glad he didn’t attack you.
Wow that is one huge moth! Good thing you snapped some photos or no one would have believed your kids just how big it was!
Woah! That is huge! I love that you saw the caterpillar last year. :)
I have never in my life seen a moth that big. My kids would have loved that one!
That moth is incredible!
wow! And it’s beautiful!
So cool! Not scary at all, just neat.
My kids WERE ecstatic! I think my 7 year old took that net around to all of the neighbor kids to show off his find!
It was VERY unexpected, that’s for sure! I was just glad it settled down and didn’t flap all over for a few minutes. I was pretty close!
It was!! It did not look like something that should be living near my suburban house. :)
That thing is crazy big! It’s a mutant! Very cool shots, though.
That mother is HUGE and looks so crisp it looks fake. Wow.
Wowza…how cool is that??? My boys would’ve been ecstatic!
Very cool moth!