I am still checking and double-checking my calendar to make sure it is really, truly July (and the 5th of July, at that). I can’t believe that another 4th of July has come and gone, and that we’re in the middle of the summer.
My kids are huge fans of my Little Pony (yes, even the teens. Especially the teens) and so they were all excited to see these My Little Pony inspired recipes, perfect for summer.
Recipes include: Apple Jack’s Apple Pie, Pinkie Pie’s Pink Lemonade, Rainbow Dash’s Summer Fruit Salad, Twilight Sparkle’s Raspberry Star Cookies and Rarity’s 4th of July Cupcakes.
Click the image above to download the PDF document to see all the recipes above or click here: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: The Keys Of Friendship Recipes
About My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: The Keys Of Friendship
Ponies make the best friends!
Since her arrival in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle has learned the true meaning and value of friendship. With her very best friends — Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy and, of course, Spike — Twilight goes on the greatest of adventures and comes back with even more lessons. All of this has earned Twilight her wings and the crown of a Princess and now you can learn what Princess Twilight Sparkle has learned and take with you The Keys Of Friendship.
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: The Keys Of Friendship is coming to DVD on July 29 in the U.S. and Canada from Shout! Factory Kids in collaboration with Hasbro Studios. The 5 episodes include “Rarity Takes Manhattan,” “Pinkie Apple Pie,” “It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies,” “Twilight’s Kingdom, Part 1,” and “Twilight’s Kingdom, Part 2.” A fun sing-along is included as a bonus feature.
The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series is currently airing on The HUB TV Network in the U.S. and on Treehouse in Canada.
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: The Keys Of Friendship will be available with special packaging and offers at Walmart and Target as well as on Amazon (available for preorder now).

Do you have a My Little Pony fan at your house? Who is their favorite pony?
© 2014, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Great recipes! I love the cute cookies and the fruit salad.
I must confess that I don’t know the first thing about My Little Pony, but the Raspberry Star Cookies and the Fruit Salad look particularly delicious and are going on my must-try list. Thanks!
Thumbs up on the fruit salad and the cupcakes look delicious as well. The fruit salad would be great to serve at my daughters baby shower
i want to make the fruit salad BTW my daughter loves my little pony!! ! xoxox
The fruit salad looks so delicious! I know what you mean about even the teens love My Little Pony. My daughter still does also. It cracks me up because I used to love it too.
That’s cute that even the older kids like My Little Pony! the food looks so good. the movie looks cute and is something my niece would love.
How adorable!!! My daughter has a couple ponies and a Rainbow Dash tee :)
I loved MLP when I was a kid and even had some of my ponies to pass down to my kids. They love MLP and this movie sounds adorable. These recipes would be a great for a MLP themed party!
This is such an adorable classic that is a family favorite always!
I used to love love love my little ponies as a kid, I am so glad they are BACK more popular than ever!
I remember My Little Pony from it’s first go-round – I had boys, so they weren’t overly interested, but now I have a niece, so I can have fun purchasing items for her! She might be getting that DVD soon……
my daughter loves my little pony !:) she waits for it every day ..
my little niece loves my little pony, we just had a birthday party for her and she got a lot of pony stuff. She loves her castle we got her and her dvd’s, some of them she watched twice already. The fruit salad looks so delish.
Who doesn’t love MLP? I miss buying them for Tara… we have a huge collection. When Tara’s hair was pink I called her Pinky Pie! Will have to check out the recipes!
That bowl of fruit looks so yummy! I remember watching My Little Pony when I was younger, now that I have a daughter and My Little Pony has come back she to is watching it!
It amazes me that My Little Pony is still around! after all these years. They are a classic. And as for the recipes…awesome. Especially that drink and peach pie. They are both to die for! Thanks for the heads up!
The cupcakes are cute! These recipes do look like fun, and who doesn’t love themed food to enjoy while watching.