Have you ever wondered how mothers managed outings with kids before the days of iPod touches and iPhones? I do. Despite the fact that I survived the early childhood of the majority of my five kids (and I dare say THEY all survived those years, too!) I don’t know if I’d want to go iPod-less again. They certainly are handy for long lines at Costco or Walmart, a wait in the doctor’s office, or for keeping a kid entertained while Mom tries clothes on in the dressing room at Kohl’s. My iTouch has become a true lifesaver!
CandyMan laughs about the fact that I have more apps on my iTouch for the kids than I do for myself. My apps are all function and no fun. The kids’ apps, I admit, are almost always about FUN. Every once in a while I catch myself playing a game or two while I wait to pick up kids. Knowing how captivated my kids are with my iTouch, I am always on the look-out for activities that are more on the educational side.
Just last week, Mom Central sent me a great set of apps called My Living Stories. These animated storybooks bring both new stories and the classics to life on the iPhone and iPod Touch.
The My Living Stories apps combine beautiful artwork, narration and interactive features in an easy to use platform that is perfect for preschoolers to read along all on their own, without any help. My Living Stories are a great solution for entertaining on-the-go or as an aid for teaching children to read at home. The apps allow for your child to read along with English narration or read the stories themselves. Interactive sounds and animation bring stories to life. Another great feature is the ability to record your own voice to go along with the story (this feature requires an iPhone or iPod Touch with microphone capabilities). My Living Story classic stories include Princess & the Pea, King Midas, The Tortoise & the Hare, Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
AJ and Reese are loving my new apps. The stories are familiar but fresh….The apps are engaging but they’re not games. I love the fact that the My Living Stories apps entertain through reading. I love growing readers! And I also love ANY app that is simple enough for a 5 year old to understand and operate without Mommy’s help every 4 seconds.
The Giveaway:
My Living Stories is giving one Better in Bulk reader a $25 iTunes card! (You do not need to own an iTouch or an iPhone to win!)
Simply leave me a comment telling me which My Living Stories story you would be most likely to play with.
**For extra entries (after you have answered the first question), you may do any of the following (please leave a separate comment for each):
- • Follow me on twitter and tweet about this giveaway. You can do this once a day. Sample tweet:
- $25 iTunes giftcard up for grabs! Enter @1momof5’s #MyLivingStories #giveaway https://foodfunfamily.com/?p=3082
- • Tell me what you’d buy with a $25 iTunes giftcard
- • “Like” Better in Bulk on Facebook.
- • Follow my blog via Google friends connect.
- • Subscribe to my blog’s RSS feed
- • Start or join in a discussion on my Blog Frog community. Unlimited.
Technical stuff:
Contests open to residents of US and Canada. Readers may enter the contest on multiple blogs but are only eligible to win one iTunes gift card as part of the My Living Stories contest. Giveaway will end on July 31 at midnight. Winner will be chosen via random.org, and will be notified via email. Good luck!
Disclosure – I am participating in the My Living Stories program by Mom Central on behalf of Decode Entertainment. I received 3 free apps and a gift card as a thank you for my participation.
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
I’d pick The Princess and the Pea- such a great story.
I am a subscriber via RSS feed
I am following you on google friend connect (Charlene)
I Like Better in Bulk on Facebook (Charlene Kuser)
I would buy some good songs I have been wanting to put on my ipod
Following and Tweet:Swtlilchick
I would be most likely to play with Little Red Riding Hood.
I would love to play with Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The Princess and the Pea would be my first pick.
I follow on Google :)
King Midas–great story!
i like King Midas.
My husband’s the one with the ipod touch so I would give this to him so he could buy some apps
I subscribe to your RSS feed through Google Reader
I follow via GFC
Little Red Riding Hood
I like the Princess and the Pea.
I’d like to have Little Red Riding Hood. :)
I would use the giftcard to buy my kids some shows for their iPod to watch at restaurants – probably Batman, since they’re really into it right now. Thanks again!
I’d like to play with the King Midas story. Thank you for the giveaway!
Follow on GFC.
I like the Tortoise and the Hare.
i follow you on gfc
nblexp at gmail dot com
I’d probably like Puppy Mouth
nblexp @ gmail dot com
I’d get a couple of movies!
I’d love Goldilocks and the 3 Bears!
I’d probably like to try Little Red Riding Hood!
Little Red Riding Hood-Itunes for my ipod
I am a new gfc follower now!
I love them all, but I’ll say little red riding hood.
follow blog with GFC
follow and twqeeted
I would buy new tunes for my ipod
I subscribe with google reader
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I “Like” Better in Bulk on Facebook – barbara wright
I like little red ridilng hood!
I would buy my daughter’s everlasting gratitude with a $25 ITunes GC – LOL. Seriously! She single-handedly keeps them in business, so she’d love a GC.
I follow you on twitter and tweeted https://twitter.com/bsw529/status/20018193207
The Princess and the Pea!
Cute and Creative website!! Thanks for the giveaway!! :) Look forward to following you in the future.
For me it would be Little Red Riding Hood. Thanks.
The Princess and the Pea.
I would have to say The Tortoise and the Hare for us.
GFC follower
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
I’d use the card to get an audiobook.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
Little Red Riding Hood
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
Little Red Riding Hood, i’ve always loved that
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
New tweet:
I would like Princess and the Pea.
I followed you and retweeted 4 times already on twitter since tuesday @phoenix526. I liked your page on facebook @ Tony G. I think this is a fantastic blog spot and I would really like to see the classic tale of the Tortoise and the Hare. Thank you for this awesome oppurtunity.
The goldilocks and the 3 bears
I would most likely play with Goldilocks & the 3 Bears.
https://twitter.com/Superfrugalette/status/19939208686 daily tweet topgun34er(at)hotmail(dot)com
followed you through GFC username blueeyeleo
“Liked” Better in Bulk on Facebook (sonya.allstun)
I would buy some apps for the kids to play on and some tunes
I like The Princess and the Pea
I would like to win the Tortoise and the Hare
Guess my computer is a little OLD as I had to restart it twice after reviewing your choices. Anyway, I think I would choose Spy Pix – after all, we have to be ready for things we don’t always see!
The Princess And The Pea!
follow and tweet https://twitter.com/5memb/status/19895734573
King Midas.
Subscribe to your RSS feed via google reader.
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC! (Ashley R)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
I “Like” you on FB! (Ashley Reynolds)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
I’d probably buy some music with it!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter and I tweeted! (@reynoldsmom) https://twitter.com/reynoldsmom/status/19888623675
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
A classic! Little Red Riding Hood!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
I’m subscribed to your RSS feed via Google Reader.
I’m a blog follower via GFC.
I like you on Facebook (username: Les Cerises).
I would use this gift card to buy some songs and apps that I’ve been wanting.
I follow on twitter and tweeted: https://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/19883863796
Little Red Riding Hood here. Thanks for the chance! :)
I would like to have the Goldilocks and the Three Bears story.
Apollo 11
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
maybe The Tortoise and the Hare
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I follow you on Google Friend..brkwalker
I would buy some kids music for my sons ipod!
I follow you on twitter and tweeted! https://twitter.com/her5boys480/status/19857724932
My boys would love the tortoise and the hare!
I like the Princess & the Pea
I subscribe to your feed in Google Reader.
I follow on Google Friend Connect.
I’d like the Tortoise and the Hare.
I would give the card to hubby for a gift!
I love the Princess and the Pea
I like Little Red Riding Hood
I heard about your blog yestereda through your sister, Andrea!
The Princess and the Pea!
https://twitter.com/Superfrugalette/status/19841198056 daily tweet topgun34er(at)hotmail(dot)com
i would buy my daughter the songs she is always begging me to buy on itunes
i like the story of the tortoise and the hare
Goldi locks
The Tortoise and the Hare would be my choice.
I would try out “Little Riding Hood”.
New tweet:
the tortoise and the hare topgun34er(at)hotmail(dot)com
I would love to play Spy Pixs
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I’d like King Midas.
I would use this GC for some apps for my ipod touch & some music. Thanks so much.
I subscribed to your RSS feed newsletter
Thanks again
I’m a facebook friend (Margaret E. Smith)
These apps are such a great idea.
I’d love the Princess and the Pea.
i’d use this for some ipod touch aps
the princess and the pea
I would buy music from Lady Gaga and Christina Aguilera with the gift card!
I follow your blog with google friend connect!
We would play with Tortoise and the Hare!
The Tortoise and the Hare!
I would use Little Red Riding Hood and the Broker Dealer Lawyers. That’s my favorite story.
I hope I can the itunes card :)
subscribe to your feed
like you on FB
follow you on twitter and tweeted
i think we would love the story of goldilocks and the three bears
google follower
fb fan- courtney bella
i would get some new country music for my ipod!
i like the princess and the pea
New tweet: https://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/19726857182
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
New tweet:
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
New tweet:
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
New tweet:
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I subscribe to your RSS feed
I’d use the iTunes gift card to buy my husband some new cds by his favorite artists, like Dave Barnes and Drew Holcomb!
I am following you via Google Friend Connect
I “liked” Better in Bulk on Facebook (Carmen S.)
I’d be most likely to play with The Tortoise and the Hare. I love the morale of the story and think it’s a great reminder!
New tweet: https://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/19408920133
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
New tweet: https://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/19325221856
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I would grab the first season of Fifteen and a few songs if I were to win.
I follow via google friend connect
I’m an RSS feed subscriber.
I follow on twitter as Elkaye and tweeted: https://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/19305118673
King Midas would be my pick.
Definitely Little Red Riding Hood. It’s a classic!
I think I’d get the Princess and the Pea. They look so cute. Ivy would love them
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Oh the things I learned this week =-.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I would like Little Red Riding Hood.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I’d like to try The Princess and the Pea.
Following via Friend Connect
.-= Tiffany@LattesAndLife´s last blog ..Mama Has a Potty Mouth =-.
What I’d buy with the gift card: I have a wish list full of apps *blush* so I’d get those, for sure!!
.-= Tiffany@LattesAndLife´s last blog ..Mama Has a Potty Mouth =-.
I’d go for The Tortoise and the Hare. My son knows that story, so I think he’d have the most fun with it!
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With a $25 Itunes card… I might buy some Sesame Street music albums, or just new music or something I’ve really been wanting… a book for my ipod – probably “David Copperfield” by Charles Dickens!
Following you on Twitter! (CreatorsPalette)
Tweeted https://twitter.com/CreatorsPalette/status/19098381948
No doubt about it… the Apollo 11 !!! I played that on the playground as a kid! Now to play it on an iTouch – too fun!
The tortoise and the hare is legendary in our house, as I have one child who personifies each. (And one child yet to be determined!)
.-= Jen at Momalom´s last blog ..On my mind last week =-.
I subscribe via RSS.
.-= Allison´s last blog ..Summer Loving =-.
I follow you and I tweeted. https://twitter.com/Alli_n_Son/status/19097131695
.-= Allison´s last blog ..Summer Loving =-.
I’d buy music and an App or two with the gift card. It’s been a long time since I’ve purchased any music.
.-= Allison´s last blog ..Summer Loving =-.
I’ love to try the Tortoise and the Hair.
.-= Allison´s last blog ..Summer Loving =-.
I would buy some new music.
I like The Princess and the Pea.
Like Better in Bulk on FB C.J.Jennings
If I won the $25 GC I’d use it to by the My living stories iphone app along with a few other arcade game apps
Follow you on twitter @wildorchids09 and tweeted https://twitter.com/WildOrchids09/status/19084705142
I’d love to have the Little Red Riding Hood story!
I follow you on GFC.
.-= Mami2jcn´s last blog ..Wee Squeak Shoes Review and Giveaway =-.
I like you on Facebook (Mary Happymommy)
.-= Mami2jcn´s last blog ..Wee Squeak Shoes Review and Giveaway =-.
I would buy some new songs for my iPod.
.-= Mami2jcn´s last blog ..Wee Squeak Shoes Review and Giveaway =-.
I’d like to sample Goldilocks & the 3 Bears.
.-= Mami2jcn´s last blog ..Wee Squeak Shoes Review and Giveaway =-.