Oh Boy. Is it Monday again? I guess that on top of all of the other things going on, it’s time again for Not Me Monday, hosted by MckMama at My Charming Kids! If you haven’t followed along recently, here’s a quick recap: Not Me Monday is a time for us to be brutally honest (and live to tell about it). It’s a time to confess to those things that we certainly have NOT done, since we are all so perfect, right??

I have NOT been putting off Necco’s Science Fair project because I have no interest in doing it. I am not feeling totally guilty about the neglect. Nope. Doesn’t bother me at all. I am not wishing that my sister, the Chemist, was here to help her do it, cbecause I can totally handle this.
I didn’t practically ignore and deny the whole Valentines Day weekend. What? There was a holiday?
And I am NOT sitting here unshowered with most of my kids still in their pjs. I am not at all sad about having to stay cooped up with a sick 3 year old and 4 bigger kids who are off school today. Nope. Not Me! I love staying home and being lazy all the time!
I am not eating a piece of frozen cheesecake. Om my goodness! How unhealthy would THAT be??
And, don’t look over on the left sidebar. This is totally not REALLY my 44th post of the MONTH. It must be a strange glitch in blogger. I have MUCH better things to do than post 44 blog posts in 2 weeks. Ugh.
And I won’t beg for more entries in my Cherish Bound giveaway. That would be silly. ;)
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