It was SO not me who heard her 8 year old son say, “Mom, you should get your camera! Look at what he’s doing! That would make at least 3rd place, don’t you think?”
If it HAD been me, I would have thought, “Oh, boy. I guess I talk about I Heart Faces’ weekly contests a little too much, huh?” I would have wondered what was really in my kids’ minds when I entered a picture of each of them and it won….or didn’t win. I didn’t wonder if they were thinking, “Cool! I’m 1st-place cute. She’s only top-10 cute. Poor Her!”
I didn’t run to get my camera and leave AJ brushing his own teeth.
Since it wasn’t me, I suppose there’s no reason to tell you what AJ did earlier that night. They’re totally unrelated! We were sitting in the basement folding laundry when AJ piped up, “Mom, Look! I’m a hammer head shark!”
Here’s that picture I didn’t catch:
And, no, I won’t be entering it into any of the contests. The story is much better than the picture.
Oh, and just in case you heard the whispers from my kids, I did NOT spend 20 minutes explaining to my old neighbor all about blogging and ads and giveaways and followers, and everything else that is so foreign to people who don’t blog. And my oldest daughter did not say to him, “Yeah, she’s on the computer, like, 24-7.” I did not feel guilty at all. There was no reason for guilt. Thank goodness she didn’t say that!
And now I’m going to bed. Thank goodness I haven’t been having dreams of being 6 months pregnant. Yeah, 6 months pregnant with my 6th child….except when I look in the mirror, I realize it’s not a baby. I’m just that fat.
Phew! Thank goodness I’m not having dreams like that!
© 2009, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
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