The perfect profile picture is tough to come by – it’s natural to want to put our best features out there, but not all pictures were created to be profile shots.
This weekend I am joining with a couple dozen amazing bloggers to present the BlogHop Conference – a free conference that anyone can attend from the comfort of their own home. We’ve pulled together two days worth of incredible learning. To see the 2 dozen + conference sessions, check out the BlogHop Conference hub at Blog Conference Newbie.
Have you ever heard any of these phrases at a blog conference or meet-up?
“Wow! You look a lot older in person!”
“Oh! I didn’t recognize you at ALL! Did you color your hair?”
“You don’t look anything like your picture!”
“You were in the same room as me? I didn’t see anyone that looked like you! I can’t believe I missed you!”
or “You don’t have a profile picture anywhere on your site. I always pictured you totally different.”
If anyone has said anything like this to you, it may be time to update your profile picture.
Here are a few simple tips for taking and choosing the best profile picture:
- Have one! The first rule of profile pictures is to have one. Readers want to know who they are listening to.
- Keep it real – Avatars and cartoon drawings are fun but they are not ideal for profile pictures.
- Glamor shots are out – you might look great when you’re all fancied up, but is anyone going to recognize you?
- Crop! Focus on the face – profile pictures tend to be small anyway, but remember that the more of your body is in the shot, the smaller your face will be.
- Keep it simple – a simple background helps the viewer focus their attention on the subject – you! It’s really easy for a person to become “lost” in a busy background.
- Who’s who? Group shots may bring back great memories, but are your readers (especially new ones) going to be able to pick you out in the crowd?
- Ask for opinions – it’s ok to ask friends or family to help you chose. Sometimes it’s hard to pick what looks most like “You” yourself, so get help from someone who knows you well.
- Don’t hide! Show your face and let us see your smile! Don’t hide behind your favorite sunglasses or your hair.
- Be consistent! If you use a branding “prop” in your profile picture, be aware that people will expect that prop when they meet you.
- Update! If you drastically change your look – lose weight, color or cut your hair, etc. you might want to consider updating your picture.

What profile pictures stand out to you? What types of profile pictures do you like to see on blogs? And how does yours measure up?
This post is part of the BlogHop Blog Conference at Home.
To see the full agenda of learning sessions visit Blog Conference Newbie. I’m thrilled to be participating in this Conference from home with so many of my favorite bloggers!
© 2011 – 2012, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Great tips! I recently changed my profile pic and kind of struggled with this as I’d prefer to hide. (I still feel like an awkward little 6th grader, believe it or not.) I decided to enlist the help of my husband and the almighty Twitter in choosing my profile pic so if anyone finds me unrecognizable, it’s my hubby and Twitter’s fault! ;)
Stumbled this…
Great Tips, especially about the “shades” – I have yet to take the perfect profile shot! As much as I like to identify with Maxine and think she’d make a good avatar … We’re always so critical of ourselves!
I commissioned one of my design students to create it for me.
Great site, by the way!
Rules were meant to be broken. There are always exceptions, and I think it’s great that youve found an avatar that works with your brand and looks like you. :)
I also tell people to avoid getting their hands in their profile picture. So many people like to lean on their hand, especially when they use their webcam for the photo. They think it makes them look like a writer.
But in reality it makes you look tired, maybe bored, and worse, it literally pushes up the part of your face you’re leaning on and adds distortion.
Now, I have a feeling that you’re all going to nab me for using a caricature for my avatar, but it’s part of my logo, and it actually does look like me. My actual mug shot is all over my website, FB, G+ etc. so if people do meet me in person they usually say, “wow, you look just like your avatar.”
Great advice. I have had the same pic up since I started blogging and it’s one of my 3 kids..before I had 4 kids, lol. I do have one that I use as a gravatar on several other sites but it’s not on my blog and my hair was much longer. I think I just hate pictures of myself so I have avoided putting one up. Guess it’s time for a change!
thanks for the tips.
Great advice! I usually hate photos of myself. My profile pic was snapped by my husband about two years ago…but I’ve not changed too much! I opted to put my photo in my blog button, so I have the best of both worlds and I use that all over the web. Thanks so much!
I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that on my blog, I am using the same photo of myself that I used when I first started blogging 3 years ago. It doesn’t show my whole face and my daughter (who I’m holding) is MUCH younger! But I don’t feel like most of my photos are flattering, so I’ve stuck with that one. HOWEVER, I did change my Twitter profile pic shortly before Blissdom 2010 to a more accurate photo – and TONS of people commented on how I look just like my profile pic!
So, obviously, I get the importance. If only I could get someone to take a super flattering yet still accurate photo of me! :)
Whoops..used the wrong email..theres my face!
Oh pretty please be rain bonnet lady! lol. Thanks for the post. I JUST changed my picture to be a recent pic that actually looks like me.
Oh boy, do I need to update my profile photo. I had a friend who is a photographer do it for me. Perhaps, I can have you take my photo with your big lens and all ;)
I used an avatar for a long time when I first started blogging. When I put up my photo, people noticed the change. It was so worth it.
Thank you so much for the helpful advice. Right now, I’m still using the same avatar everywhere. I have pictures on my blog, but nothing that really stands out as a profile photo, you know?
I need to add this to my to-do list for sure.
I sooo need to update my pic. It’s 4 years old and a “gussied up” version of me. Which if I were at a conference is probably the version of myself I would be. But not so much for something like a local meet-and-greet.
You don’t always take bad pictures. lol In fact, I’ve got a great one of you! :)
This was a great help. I think my blog picture is ok it looks like me but I am considering changing it to a newer one. Thanks for the pointers.
Love the Rain Bonnet, too!! you look adorable!! :)
This is fantastic advice, I’m excited to share! I especially liked ‘and people get intimidated by that lens.’ Bahaha. I can see that and why. Don’t judge me by my Gravatar, I’ve been meaning to update that forever! This post is the push I’ve needed. Thanks!
Great advice. I really need to get a picture of myself where I am the only one in the shot. My current headshot is from a family picture.
I take horrific pictures. This was really helpful. Thanks!
This post is on point, I prefer seeing faces over buttons on profile pictures. :) However, I change my profile picture often, I don’t know if that’s good or bad.
Yes, the rain bonnet was a fun picture. Some friends and I were leaving a salon after getting our hair down, and it was pouring outside.
Love the rain bonnet. Reminds me of my mom. Ha! Rain bonnet lady might be a cure gimmick and you look so different in every shot. I likethe closeup with straight hair. Nice picture.