I was asked to be the unofficial/official photographer for this weekend’s Church Prom. The Prom dresses were gorgeous (there was such a great variety of modest prom dresses! I was impressed), and the kids were energetic, positive, and lots of fun.
Many of my young friends have asked to see a sample of the pictures I took Friday night at the Prom. So here they are!
Click the small pictures to see a full-sized version of each of these shots.
PS–I was not involved in the decorating at all. The props and scenery were all done by hand. It was an amazing feat! The photography area was designed for taking pictures of couples, but we ended up doing more group shots than anything else. The space was a little small for group shots, but they sure were fun.
PPS–After working with CandyMan as my photography assistant/director for 4 hours on Friday, I have decided to hire him to come along to any and all weddings that I am hired for in the future. He was perfect for the job. As much as he says he dislikes taking pictures, he was a perfect poser.
I think that’s what I’ll call him now–my Poser. (He says he prefers Conquistador. Whatever.)
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Can you believe how big they are all getting?!
Very cute pictures! I miss these girls!
Great pictures. I love the idea of a prom with kids from your church
.-= pam´s last blog ..Not me Monday =-.
Oh, what a really great looking time! They all look so pretty and handsome, too.
Looks amazing! I’m glad everyone had a fun time. I was actually kind of sad we didn’t have regular church today and I could hear all about it in Sunday School. Thanks for posting these. :)
.-= Safire´s last blog ..Question of the Week: Intuition =-.
Come visit my blog. You won an award :)
.-= LLL with Leslie´s last blog ..I received the Beautiful Blogger Award! =-.
It’s so, so true. I look back at my old pictures and wonder why I thought my dresses were SO perfect!
These are some great photos and 20 years from now they will be posting these exact pictures and be all “OMG! can you believe what we were wearing?! And look at my hair!” :-)
.-= mrs.notouching´s last blog ..The Gift of Selective Hearing =-.
*Laughing about the “Conquistador” title.* Your photos turned out terrific. It looks like everyone had a wonderful time. *Smile*
.-= Gilliauna´s last blog ..Facebook and the Random Silencing of Your Friends and Loved Ones =-.