Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by Green Giant® through MyBlogSpark. All thoughts are my own.
Bullying is a topic that hits too close to home.
It’s unfortunate. It’s painful. It’s heartbreaking. And I know that my family is not alone.
That’s why I’m sharing this important message about how we can all take small and simple – but meaningful – steps to stand up to bullying – and stop bullying now.
Watch this video to see how Green Giant, partnering with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center and We Day Minnesota, suggests that we start:
The mission of the “Raise a Giant” initiative is straight forward: we can stop bullying when kids (those who are being bullied or those who witness it) simply speak up and say, “That’s not right. That’s not okay.” As simple as may be to say the words “in theory,” though, finding the courage to stand up and say something is not always so easy. That’s where parents and mentors come in.
What you should know about bullying:
What can you do?
- Write a letter to your kids telling them how special they are and encouraging them to be part of the bullying prevention solution by being a giant.
Encourage friends and family members in your community to write their own letters and post them at RaiseAGiant.com
- Share the Raise a Giant Video, Infographic (below), and Tips For Talking To Your Kids About Bullying (PDF) on your blog, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter (*you are welcome to share any of the infographics found here or save them to your computer to share elsewhere).
- Change your Facebook profile picture to the Raise A Giant icon (right) to show your support.
What Does it Mean To Be A Giant?
Being a giant isn’t about being the biggest or the best. Being a giant means standing up for others. It means lending a hand to those who are in trouble and speaking up for those who sometimes find it hard to speak up for themselves.
Find more tips and graphics to share on Green Giant’s Facebook page.
What to say to your child about bullying:
About Green Giant’s “Raise a Giant” Partners:
- PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center
- We Day Minnesota
– Green Giant is partnering with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center to develop an in-school student-to-student curriculum helping students understand how they can handle bullying. This partnership enables Green Giant to help those impacted directly by bullying – students.
– Green Giant is one of the proud title sponsors of We Day Minnesota – a stadium sized youth empowerment event that brings together inspiring speakers and performers to celebrate students who are making a difference both locally and globally. By sponsoring We Day, Green Giant is able to equip educators and youth with the tools and resources they need to become effective advocates of bullying prevention and peer-to-peer support.
$25 Gift Card Giveaway
General Mills is sending a $25 gift card to one lucky Better in Bulk reader. Please enter on the Rafflecopter below by November 9, 2013, at midnight when a winner will be selected at random and notified via email. Good luck!
Please note, it is not required as part of the giveaway to share the infographics or video in this post, but I highly encourage you to do so! This is such an important topic! We can all stand up together to end bullying. Thanks for your help!
© 2013, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
back in the day everyone got bullied and not much could be done about it
my tip is to always tell an adult if you are being bullied.
I just think this campaign is so important – I hate hearing about all these bullying stories
I love that attention is being given to this huge problem. More and more I hear about the bullying in schools and now at work (The NFL???) This must stop.
I was bullied as a child and I know how cruel it is.
Thank you.
I love the tips they give on how to talk to your kids about bullying.
i love thiscampaign because children need to know that they dont have to be bullied
I always try to make sure that my girls also know not to be a bully. Sometimes, little kids don’t understand that being unkind or leaving someone out all the time makes a child feel bullied. My little girls are sweethearts. They really care about others, but I always want them to stay that way. They also know that they should never tolerate other people bullying them. I try to teach them how to set healthy boundaries, and who to talk to if they feel bullied.
I love that my tiny girl can be a giant!
I was bullied a lot as a child because I was overweight. it’s one of the (many) reasons we home school our children.
I think this is a great campaign. With all the terrible news of suicides and cyber bullying, I think it is so important for children of all ages to know what to do to help stop bullying.
I read in the blog post that 49 states now have anti-bullying laws. I wonder which state does not, and why not? Thanks for the important information and the great giveaway.
This is such an important campaign. I was bullied too and then you grow up and these bullies are in the work place too. It has to stop and there has to be action no one should have to put up with being bullied and I still see it all of the time. I would tell a child to tell a teacher or parent or anyone that will listen and can help.
I think this campaign is important for parents and kids to see.
Hola! I’ve been following your site for a long time now and
finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Humble Tx!
Just wanted to say keep up the fantastic work!
Great campaign to raise awereness and help stop bullying. This is a big issue that needs to keep being adressed. My son cant go outside to play with out being picked on from the neighbor boys and its sad and even worse the other kids’ parents do nothing about it.
I’ve never encountered bullying, but I’m happy to see it being brought to attention.
Hi Lolli,
I like this campaign because it encourages, basically starts with, having parents commit their thoughts on paper. Their children will understand their parent’s position on bullying and what is to be expected from everyone involved. I believe that some kids will still succumb to peer pressure, but many will follow the advice given to go and get help. I’m not a kid (obviously), but I’m taking on being a Giant too.
I think making sure no matter what that you keep an open communication with your child is the most important. We can’t be reactive we must be proactive. Know who you’re kids are friends with, where they are going, what social media sites they are on and keep an eye out. Watch their behavior and if you see something different take it head on, kids won’t just be kids… children are cruel at times, save your kid by being plugged in.
I am so glad to see that the subject of bullying is getting the exposure it is…..my husband went through it all through school and still has problems dealing with social interaction. He still has the feeling like everyone will think he is stupid even though he knows that he’s not in school anymore. He’s a great guy that I’m happily married to!
I think this campaign is important for parents and kids to see
sounds like an awesome campaign!
I think its very neat that green giant is a part of this and sponsors a “youth empowerment event that brings together inspiring speakers and performers to celebrate students”.
i love this campaign
I love this because it gets everyone involved and on the same side. If everyone unites the bully is standing alone. thanks
What I like about this campaign is that it teaches self confidence
I love how much focus we are putting on anti-bullying. I think we need to make our children aware of how to prevent it.
This is a GREAT campaign to support. We teach kids to stand up for themselves and MUST tell adults if being bullied.
I’d stress that telling a responsible adult should be done ASAP.
I think you should also make sure the child knows that it’s okay to tell when someone is hurting you
I love anything that will help stop bullying. My nephew had his finger bent back by a bully and a brave kid who saw it happen reported it to the school. He was too scared to report it himself
Agree with you (and many others)
That video is so well made, simple and effective.
My tip is to get some videos on bullying and have it shown to student groups who might be participating in bullying without recognizing it. as such.
This is such an important topic to get out there. Bullying needs to stop and we have to do all we can to encourage our children not to bully and to speak up when they see other’s being bullied. Thank you for standing up for this – Definitely will share.