This post and $50 Whole Foods gift card giveaway are brought to you by the new movie, Fed Up, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Feeding my kids and teaching them healthy food habits is one of the things that weighs heavily on my mind. I serve mostly-home cooked meals the majority of the time. We don’t eat out very often. But the food options that are the easiest and the fastest (and sometimes those options look pretty appealing to a busy mom like me) are not the best for them. I know that. I also know that I like sugar just a little too much. The kids see me drinking sodas…and I cringe to think what that is teaching them.
I’m fed up with the example that my kids are seeing and the food mentality that they’re growing up with.
About FED UP
FED UP: The film the food industry doesn’t want you to see. In theaters May 9. For the past 30 years, everything we thought we knew about food and exercise is dead wrong. From Katie Couric, Laurie David (Oscar winning producer of AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH) and director Stephanie Soechtig, FED UP will change the way you eat forever.
See the trailer here:
The Chilling Facts:
- Between 1980 and 2000, fitness club memberships more than doubled across the United States. During that same time, the obesity rate also doubled.
- Cases of Type 2 diabetes diagnosed among adolescents (ages 8-19) in 1980: 0 | Cases of Type 2 diabetes diagnosed among adolescents (ages 8-19) in 2010: 57,638
- From 1977 -2000, it’s estimated that Americans have doubled their daily intake of sugar.
- In 1981, as part of the National School Lunch Act, President Ronald Reagan cut $1.46 billion dollars out of the child nutrition budget. As a result, government got rid of cooking equipment and turned to the food industry for a cheap, simple alternative: In 2006, 80% of all high schools operated under exclusive contracts with soda companies. By 2012, more than half of all U.S. school districts served fast food.
- Since 1995, the government has provided over eight billion dollars in subsidies for corn-based sweeteners.
- Between 2008 and 2010, children’s exposure to junk food ads (including online) increased 60%.
- By 2010, two out of every three Americans were either overweight or obese.
The Fed Up Challenge
Starting on Monday, May 12, join the #FedUpMovie team in going sugar free for 10 days. It won’t be easy – especially for those of us who love sugar as much as I do – but together we can take the first steps in fighting the biggest public health crisis of our time. Take the pledge at
From FED UP: Once you see Fed Up and learn the the truth about sugar, we hope you get as Fed Up as we are with the state of our food environment. We are facing the biggest public health crisis of our time and the future of our nation depends on us taking action in our homes, schools, communities and workplaces. Taking the Fed Up Challenge and going sugar free is the first step.
Connect with Fed Up:
Official Website | Facebook | @FedupMovie on Twitter | Instagram | #FedUpMovie Challenge
Fed Up $50 Whole Foods gift card giveaway
Ready to re-think your grocery list? One (1) winner will receive a $50 Whole Foods gift card. The giveaway will run through 5/23 and a winner will be chosen at random and notified via email. Just enter on the Rafflecopter form below:
© 2014, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
i would like to cut out processed foods.
I totally need to cut back on sugar!
snacking/eating too much junk foods
less processed foods- and to go totally organic
My family needs to eat less salt and less fried foods.
I would like for my family to cut back on our sugar intake as well as watch our sodium. We eat way too much processed food.
I’d like us to try more vegetarian or vegan options!
eliminate processed foods
We need to eat less sugar! It’s so hard!!
more water, no soda :)
I would like my family to stop eating processed foods. That is very hard!
Dessert. I would love for us to just plain stop dessert, but it’s kind of hard when it’s become routine.
I would like there to be no soda and also no candy in the house
I am definitely trying to wean my family off sugar. We cook a lot from scratch so I’m not so worried about it being added to processed foods. We still eat way too much of it.
I would like my family to have healthier go to snacks. a lot of snacks we have that are easy to grab are more of the processed food. I want to change that.
I would like to stop eating out as much. Sometimes days get so busy and I do not want to make dinner. But all that eating out does not feel good!
Stop using white sugar in things like tea, coffee and baked goods!
I would like us to eliminate boxed meals
We need to eat less sugar– but I’m probably the biggest culprit!
I would like my husband to eat more healthy fat!
We want to cut down on the sugar, for awhile we did great and felt really great, more energy, less sleep needed, but more restive sleep, etc. Sugar really is bad for you.
We just recently cut out most of the processed foods, but we need to do a better job of eating breakfast!
I would like to incorporate more whole wheat into our diets – pasta, rice, etc.
I would love for us to cut pastas and sodas out of our diet
eating less sugar
i definitely want my family to reduce or eliminate refined sugars in our diet
I would love to give up fast food! We have been eating out way too much because of my husband’s crazy schedule and traveling constantly! I am on day 3 of no fast food after coming back from vacation!
I would love for my family to quit processed foods. Since January, we have been eating healthier, but we still have a lot of processed food and sugar in foods (not sweets).
I would like us to eat more fruits and veggies.
I would definitely like us to cut back on sweets. We love our chocolate, cake and ice cream!
Less snacking between or after meals!
More fruits and veggies – there are many healthy snacks made and available, but the fruit and veggies tend to get overlooked.
I would like use to eat less processed foods and sugar.
I would like to get the kids off the sugar. I try to limit it now, but they get it at friends houses and school
I’d like to reduce our sugar intake
Beer and Soda! so not healthy and keeping on these last few lbs.
To stop eating so many fried foods
I’d Like My Family To Eliminate Sugar In Our Diet.
I would like to get fast food a little bit less.
Less sugar!! It’s something we are actively working on, but need to work harder.
More water, less beer.
We need to add more fruits and veggies to our diet.
I’d like to get my husband to be willing to buy more whole grains and veggies. If we have them at home he’ll eat them but he doesnt buy them often enough.
I found out I have type 2 diabetes late last month, so we’ve been changing ALL of our food habits for the better.
we eat well. i would say going gluten free would be the next step for us.
I would like for us to eat more veggie based meals!
Entered the rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
My family needs to stop drinking colas and diet colas.
Eat less fast food!
I would like to stop eating out so much and eating so much sweets.
I would love it if we all ate more raw fruits and veggies!
I’d love my family to give up soda and start drinking more water!
Our occasional take out/fast food habit needs to get busted
I’d love for our family to 100% stop getting foofoo coffee and other sugary drinks!
I’d like to use my slow cooker more often!
I would like to add more grains into meals.
No more sodas for my husband! I just bought him caffeine free carbonated, flavored water to help him get rid of sodas haha. Then he will have to get rid of that, too!
I want to stop buying frozen veggies and go the fresh route!
We should stop drinking soda.
I would like us to snack healthier.
A lot less soda and less carbs would be great!!
we need to eat less fast food
We have a mcdonalds French fry addiction that’s bad
less carbs, more proteins and veggies
We could definitely eat less sugar and processed foods.
To substitute pretzels/chips/crackers with fresh fruits and veggies and to switch to whole wheat breads/flatbreads/pitas.
I would like for my family to cut down on the amount of sweets we eat.
I would like my children to enjoy fruits and vegetables more and like junk less.
I would like to see my family drink less soda and eat less junk food.
Thank you!
I’d like to have us go all Gluten free. I am doing well. Convincing the kiddo is another matter!