I’ve spent considerable time over the last 6 months complaining about our broken dishwasher. On a good day, I would spend a full hour washing dishes-for-seven by hand. On an average day, I spent closer to 2 hours washing dishes. And on a bad day, my kitchen looked like this:
Stacks and stacks of rinsed dishes on the counter, piles of dirty dishes in the sink….all taunting me and waiting to be cleaned by hand.
And then my dad came to visit and he kicked off our Christmas season by buying us a new Maytag dishwasher. Sadly, we weren’t able to get it installed until the day that we left for Florida, so our shiny new dishwasher sat unused for an entire week before we really got to break it in.
I can’t begin to express the awe I feel each time I unload the clean dishes and load the dirty ones back up in less than 10 minutes. It’s glorious. Even KitKat, my 14 year old, expressed her appreciation for the new machine by saying, “I don’t think I’ll ever complain about having to hand wash a cookie sheet again.” I’m sure the newness and the novelty will wear off soon, but for now, we are all enjoying the gift of a few extra hours each day, a less-cluttered view of the kitchen, and fewer hand towels to wash. And if this dishwasher ever breaks, I can get parts here.
It’s the little things that make the biggest difference.
Speaking of little things, the light over our kitchen table was out for several months as well. I got used to eating dinner in the half-dark, and even threatened to use CandyMan’s shop lights to illuminate dinner if we couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the fixture.
Apparently, the newly installed dishwasher (or simply the fact that his tools were out in the kitchen) motivated CandyMan to look into the kitchen light problem. In 10 minutes, the months-long problem was solved. We have light again.
Light and a new dishwasher. I have died and gone to kitchen heaven.
PS – I am guest blogging over at the GigCoin blog. On Tuesday I start a home management series on Mom It Forward. Hope you’ll join me there!
© 2011 – 2012, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Congrats on the new dishwasher and working light! That is awesome. We were supposed to have a dishwasher installed in our mobile home. We asked for it, but the company neglected to put it in the order. We had them buy us a table instead. Wish I’d gotten the dishwasher. :)
Im STILL in that boat! In fact, our dishwasher broke the day before we left for Disney(Thanksgiving break) and Im still washing stuff by hand too. Then, the day before Christmas we ended up having to buy a new($160) kitchen faucet AND a ($150) printer. Two days after Christmas my dryer died. Im getting ready to post on it all. So Im very glad right along with you that you’re no longer in this boat:) Hope you had a good New Year!
I need salvation!