Apparently, I’ve had it wrong for years. First cousins I understood. Totally clear. My first cousins are the children of my aunts and uncles. Got it.
But what about the children of my Great Aunt and Uncle, or the children of my cousins?
So confusing.
Guess what? I found a handy chart detailing the cousin relationships down to the degree on wikipedia:
So according to this chart, this darling toddler is my first cousin once removed:
In case you were wondering, No–he does not sit still, and Yes–he is just as adorable in person as he is in his pictures. His mama, Grandchild #6 out of 24 (I’m #3), is present in many of my best childhood memories. It was so much fun to see her again this past week and get to know her kids. I’ve got the best family.
Now it’s your turn. What did you do this week? For those of you who haven’t played along before, Give Me Your Best Shot is not a contest, and it’s for any level of photographer. It’s simply a fun way to show off the favorite picture (or favorites) that you’ve taken this week. Read to find out more about Give Me Your Best Shot….And come back to leave the link to your best shot below (please link to your actual Give Me Your Best Shot post). And Grab my button(s) here and link to me so that we can get more people to stop by!
PS–happily linked to Cecily’s PhotoStory Friday, too!
© 2010 – 2013, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
He is a doll!
I’ve always understood it to be a generation thing– same generation from grandparents but I guess I was wrong….. interesting how that cousin thing works.
.-= Carrie Keiser´s last blog ..Foto Story Friday #104– life is precious =-.
Luckily, my youngest has always (since childhood) had a talent for comprehending these things. Everyone has turned to her for the solution to their “how is this person related to me?” questions. Guess what? She’s now a senior in Family History at BYU and here in London with us for the summer on an internship. And we are having a ball figuring out how the kings and queens and their posterity were related = or should I say, inter-realted….
Cute baby! So glad I found your blog through Annette Lyon!
So your cousin’s children are your first cousins once removed? I have a ton of those:-)
Oh Lordy. That chart made my head hurt. LOL j/k ;-)
That little man is such a cutie. I bet he was fun to follow around with the camera.
.-= Run DMT´s last blog ..Manly Manhole Covers =-.
Very interesting. It got me thinking and started on mapping my family tree… have a blessed weekend!
.-= Serline´s last blog ..Friendly Faces in the Neighbourhood =-.
wow, that was good to know! Thanks for the info!
.-= Jess´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
I always thought my grandmother’s sister was my great aunt (not grand aunt like they have it), but great depiction.
Stopping by from SITS.
.-= Ms. Understood´s last blog ..I used to have a pen pal . . . =-.
What a handsome little man.
I never understood the “once removed” business. I would call him your second cousin:)
.-= Krystyn´s last blog ..They did get their ice cream | PSF =-.
Just found you while I was blog hopping – your site is great and I’ll be following along. Check out my website – looks like we have a shared interest.
.-= Ashley´s last blog ..Friday Blog-Hop =-.
What a cutie!
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..Eulogy For A Big Screen =-.
That chart is so handy – I’ve often had a debate with cousins/family members over who is officially what, and now I can tell them I’ve seen a chart, so clearly know what’s going on!
aww he is so cute. I get really confused on who is who too :)
Thanks for the genealogical clarification! That helps out!
.-= OJ Photography´s last blog ..Driving Further West – Mt Rushmore – PhotoStory =-.
first off- i totally need that chart. I refer to all of my cousins and cousins in laws.
Secondly – he’s adorable and you got some very fun photos of him.
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Have you ever? =-.
Love the education — I’ve always thought second cousins were your cousin’s cousins. Guess I’ve been wrong.
How terrific! My mother is going to find that chart super useful! Thank you Lolli!
.-= Gilliauna´s last blog ..Vintage 50s Eyewear and Retro Fashion =-.
What brilliant or diseased mind came up with all that cousin stuff anyway? :)
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Back to the Real World =-.
Great pictures AND an education!
I feel so much smarter now. :)
He’s such a cutie! I especially love that first photo.
P.S. I never understood the whole second cousin twice removed thing. Too confusing.
.-= Allison´s last blog ..Photo Recap =-.
I always remember that removed is how many generations away you are from each other. If we’re separated by a generation we’re once removed. How distant the common relative is the numerical number. That matches the chart (I think).
.-= Charlotte´s last blog ..An update on my parents =-.